[Edu-sig] re: programming for artists
Jason Cunliffe
Jason Cunliffe" <jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 11:07:28 -0700
"Arthur Siegel" <ajs@ix.netcom.com>
> Another __| I'd like to explore/contribute is Jython access to some
> Java media APIs - J3D, GL4Java (openGL for Java), something called
> which I had some fun with a while back (if its still around), etc.
Good idea about Jython..
especially now that Java is getting good press again. People all over for
the past couple of years writing better and better Java media stuff, much of
it quietly in the background. I would love to be able to use Jython. Need
better, motivating examples.
A parallel to this whole discussion is the increased role of Javascript
beyond web browsers. Actionscript in Flash5 is ECMAScript. I just discovered
that Adobe After Effects now has very powerful scripting API, using
Javascript. There is a [slightly abandoned] Javascript interpreter called
Rhino. http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/
Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in
Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting
to end users.
It is entirely feasible to develop programming literacy with Pythonand then
apply that knowledge to Javascript. I have been studying Python, Zope,
Javascript, and Actionscript at the same time over these past few months and
mostly find they are very compatible. Python is the nicest base:-)
> Where does one go for wiki lessons?
Not sure if you mean wiki Jython lessons, or wiki contributor lessons..
Assuming the latter right now, some starter tips:
1. http://www.zope.org
2. "Join Zope.org" >>> http://www.zope.org/Register/register.html [gives
you edit rights. later just 'login']
3. http://www.zope.org/Members/DaddyGravity/ContagiousFun/
5. lesson guides there for example:
You can enter some text for example
After saving your edit it will automatically appear as new Zwiki link,
evident with a hyperlinked ? added to the end of JythonGraphico. Click on
this link and it will open a new edit page. You can edit directly there and
save or upload a file frmo your own machine which will be linked and
rendered whenever you use the expression JythonGraphico.
Same is true for images..
- Create a Zwiki name, for example: JGImage1
- Click JGImage1?
- Upload an image [select Image radio button]
- To directly display your image within a Zwiki page, insert <image src =
There is also a Sandbox for raw learning&experimenting
The default behavior of Zwiki is to generate links for every word which is a
recognizable URL or includes SquashedTogetherCapitalization: DaddyGravity,
FunSandBox, FrontPage Image1 etc..
This magic can quickly get out of hand. To suppress this feature, prefix the
wiki word with an exclamation point ! or surround with ' single-quotes.
hth: very new to this myself