[Edu-sig] Teaching Python instead of Java?
Alan Gauld
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 18:14:48 +0000
>- It supports multiple programming paradigms:
> procedural, modular, and object-oriented.
And let's not forget functional programming too.
Some students find functional concepts easier to
absorb than OO!
>'built on top of' procedural features (which are closer
> to how the computer really works).
Closer to most computers but not all. Symbolics
workstations are optimised to work with Lisp and
Dr David H???? built an OO based machine some time
back for Linn Products which was all based on
message passing at the hardware level. But I
agree that most computers are stack based.
>- It is an alternative to Java. It doesn't make
> sense to teach everyone the same language
It doesn't make sense to teach anyone Java except,
maybe, as an alternative to C++. Java is an apalling
language for a beginner being riddled with
inconsistencies (although Java 2 is much better) and
based on a pseudo OO design that positively encourages
bad OO programming practices. Java is really a Class
Oriented Design rather than Object Oriented.
As Jeff stated earlier Python focuses on the principles
with minimal distraction. Java is an acceptable language
for large scale network programming. For teaching it
stinks IMHO!
Python isn't perfect, but it seems to be the best we have
for now - and I include Ruby and Scheme...
Alan G.
Author of "Learning to Program" at: