[Edu-sig] Cryptonomicon (group theory for youngsters)
Kirby Urner
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 22:39:22 -0800
Some of the recent tricks with Cards (as in deck of) fed
my renewed look at ciphers and cryptology, as a good segue
to/from group theory, with Python providing the playground
equipment and other fun apparatus.
Like, in earlier posts I'd been randomly choosing letters
to pair with other letters (to set up a 'clubhouse code'
or simple letter substitution cipher), but now I've learned
about the 'shuffle' method in SLM (Standard Library Module)
random.py -- so the code gets simpler still:
_domain = list(uppercase)
def mkcode():
Uniquely pair each element in _domain with another
uc = _domain+[]
dict ={}
for i,j in zip(_domain,uc):
return dict
_domain+[] is another way of making sure we assign uc a
*copy* of _domain, and not a pointer to the same memory
object. Then we shuffle the copy, create a blank dictionary,
and fill it with unshuffled->shuffled pairs, e.g. A->C,
B->Q and so on.
>>> mycode = ciphers.mkcode()
>>> mycode
{'Z': 'L', 'X': 'J', 'Y': 'S', 'V': 'U', 'W': 'H', 'T': 'Q', ... etc.}
So what's with _domain? Well, I might want to use integers
instead of letters, which isn't as nice for letter substitution,
but is what the group theory people use when presenting a
permutation (same as a substitution dictionary).
Alternative usage:
>>> ciphers._domain = range(1,11)
>>> mycode = ciphers.mkcode()
>>> mycode
{10: 3, 9: 10, 8: 9, 7: 6, 6: 2, 5: 8, 4: 4, 3: 1, 2: 7, 1: 5}
New the group theory folks have an alternative notation for such
as the above. Pick a number, any number, then worm your way
through the dictionary, chaining each item to the one in points
to, e.g. 10->3->1->5->8->9->10. Then organize this into a tuple:
(10,3,1,5,8,9), with the understanding that each member is
followed by its pair, with the last wrapping around to the first.
But notice: we didn't get them all. 6->2->7->6 is another
cycle, with no members in common with the first (i.e. they're
So it's a fun exercise in Python to write a routine that takes
a dictionary of unshuffled,shuffled pairs, as up top, and
converts same to a list of cyclic tuples, as per this example.
>>> ciphers.mkcycles(mycode)
[(10, 3, 1, 5, 8, 9), (7, 6, 2)]
Yep (doesn't matter that here it's (7,6,2) instead of (6,2,7)
-- same info).
And you'd want to make it bidirectional:
>>> p = ciphers.mkcycles(mycode)
>>> ciphers.mkdict(p)
{10: 3, 9: 10, 8: 9, 7: 6, 6: 2, 5: 8, 4: 4, 3: 1, 2: 7, 1: 5}
The thing to realize is that when a code pairs a letter with
itself (or number with itself), you simply don't mention it
in the cycles notation. Like, if it's the 'identity dictionary'
(*every* letter is paired with itself), then the list of
corresponding cyclic tuples is empty, and vice versa:
>>> ciphers.mkcycles({1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4})
[ ]
>>> ciphers._domain = list(ciphers.uppercase)
>>> ciphers.mkdict([])
{'Z': 'Z', 'X': 'X', 'Y': 'Y', 'V': 'V', 'W': 'W', 'T': 'T' ... etc.}
Back to cryptology: if we use simple letter substitution, with
the same new letter always taking the place of the same old letter,
then certain patterns will clue the would-be code cracker.
Palindromes, which spell out the same sentence forward and
backward, will still be palindromes, even if nonsensical.
Consider the 'encrypt' method: it simply takes one of these
substition dictionaries (a.k.a. permutations) and does the
swap, ignoring any characters/punctuation/other symbols
that aren't being converted:
def encrypt(plaintext,secretkey):
substitute shuffled elements as per secretkey, or
leave as is if not in the key -- designed to work
with _domain = list(uppercase)
ciphertext = ""
keys = secretkey.keys()
for i in plaintext.upper():
if not i in keys:
ciphertext += i
ciphertext += secretkey[i]
return ciphertext
So you can go:
>>> mycode = ciphers.mkcode() # make a random permutation
>>> ciphers.mkcycles(mycode) # view permutation as list of cycles
[('Z', 'R', 'H', 'A', 'L', 'X', 'N', 'M', 'Y', 'F', 'C', 'J', 'T',
'U', 'G', 'P', 'I', 'Q', 'O', 'B', 'V', 'W', 'E'), ('S', 'D', 'K')]
>>> encrypted = ciphers.encrypt("Able was I ere I saw Elba",mycode)
>>> encrypted
>>> decrypted = ciphers.decrypt(encrypted,mycode)
>>> decrypted
Notice that the encrypted palindrome is still a palindrome. That
makes is a lot easier to crack.
Back to group theory: we can multiply permutations together,
meaning if you scramble a scramble, you get another scramble.
For example if p1 is [('A','C','D')] and p2 is [('A','D','C')]
then p1*p2 means we apply p1 to p2 i.e. A->D->A, so A->A,
and D->C->D so D->D, and yes, C->C. p1 and p2 are inverses
of one another, since their product is the identity permutation
(that's the definition of inverse pairs -- their product is
the identity e, where p1*e = e*p1 = p1).
So it makes sense to design a Python class that makes these
permutations into objects, which we can then multiply together
using an overridden * symbol (we'll define both __mul__ and
__pow__ -- the latter because a permutation can also permute
itself, as many times as we like).
Here's what this looks like:
>>> ciphers._domain = ['A','D','C'] # a restricted domain
>>> dict1 = ciphers.mkdict(['A','C','D'])
>>> dict2 = ciphers.mkdict(['A','D','C'])
>>> dict1
{'C': 'C', 'D': 'D', 'A': 'A'}
>>> dict2
{'C': 'C', 'D': 'D', 'A': 'A'}
>>> dict1 = ciphers.mkdict([('A','C','D')])
>>> dict1
{'C': 'D', 'D': 'A', 'A': 'C'}
>>> dict2 = ciphers.mkdict([('A','D','C')])
>>> dict2
{'C': 'A', 'D': 'C', 'A': 'D'}
>>> p1 = ciphers.P(dict1) # create permutation objects...
>>> p2 = ciphers.P(dict2) # using code dictionaries
>>> p1*p2
Permutation: []
Note: Permutation: [] is the empty list, i.e. the identity
permutation -- the expected result.
This idea of multiplying permutations, raising them to
powers and taking their inverses suggests we might create
a more elaborate enciphering strategy wherein the permutations
multiply to give new dictionaries with each letter to be
enciphered -- a reversible process (one would hope).
[ to be continued ]