[Edu-sig] Re: Levitated Tile
Kirby Urner
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 17:34:16 -0800
At 06:04 PM 11/15/2001 -0500, Jason Cunliffe wrote:
>..lovely openSource Flash5 generative art site, well designed interface
Yes, this is excellent. People with slower connections don't
like "swoopy" sites, but this shows how "swoopy" is NOT synonymous
with frivolous graphics, as here we're animating interesting
math-related ideas dynamically, with the powerful Flash 5
Inspired by the Lorentz Attractor demo, I adapted the code
(with source cited/credited) to work with my pre-existing
coords.py and povray.py modules (freely downloadable and
used extensively at my math-through-programming teaching
Here's the URL, with the resulting graphic up top (nothing
stunning): http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/lorentz.html
Gratifying to get something visual with so little code, as
with the fractal obtained earlier (linked in the 'For Further
Reading' section at bottom).
Thanks again, Jason -- you're good at mining the web, a fine
art in itself.
Curriculum writer
Oregon Curriculum Network
& Oregon-Tips Python Curriculum