[Edu-sig] Math weirdness?
Chris Meyers
Wed, 03 Oct 2001 12:44:41 -0700
10/03/2001 9:03:17 AM, Robert Rickenbrode II <rkr_ii@yahoo.com> wrote:
Interestingly, I get different results on Python 1.5.2 running on a Sparc. For one thing the precision is lower. math.pi is
3.14159265359, and rounding it correctly gives 3.142. 10.0/3 gives 3.33333333333 again 12 digit accuracy. So I think there
is a question whether later versions of Python have broken something in floating point calcuations.
>Hey folks, can someone explain these to me:
> >>> import math
> >>> math.pi
> >>> round (math.pi, 3)
> >>>
>and this:
> >>> 10./3
>These are taken from IDLE on a Win98 machine running Python 2.1.1:
> >>> import sys
> >>> print sys.version
>2.1.1 (#20, Jul 20 2001, 01:19:29) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
>Thanks, Rob
>Robert K. Rickenbrode II
>Edu-sig mailing list