[Edu-sig] Pybibliotheca
Jeffrey Elkner
31 Oct 2001 14:11:19 -0500
Hi Robert!
I'm sending this along to Lex Berezhny, who created and is maintaining
the Python Bibleotheca site.
I was glad to get your email, because the kinds of things you asked for
(submitting lesson plans, prjects, etc) are precisely the kind of things
the site was created to do.
There are two things holding us back:
1. No one has stepped forward yet with content to put on the site.
2. We haven't figured out the best mechanism for managing submissions.
Problem 1 is actually more important that problem 2 (which is a meer
technical problem easy to solve ;-)
If you have content to submit, please write to Lex at:
Lex Berezhny <lex@berezhny.net>
You could be the first one to get things going.
jeff elkner
yorktown high school
arlington, va
On Wed, 2001-10-31 at 10:38, Robert Rickenbrode II wrote:
> Folks - somehow I missed this, but I just looked at PyBibliotheca at
> http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/. Very cool.
> Does anyone know if there are going to be mechanisms to submit lesson
> plans/programming projects/etc. to this repository?
> Thanks, Rob
> Robert K. Rickenbrode II
> rkr_ii@yahoo.com