[Edu-sig] would you use PythonCard?
Roman Suzi
Sat, 1 Sep 2001 10:24:46 +0400 (MSD)
On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 agauld@crosswinds.net wrote:
>On 30 Aug 01, at 11:45, Kevin Altis wrote:
>> > GUI builder. Yawn.
>> PythonCard is more than a GUI builder, but even so, why would you 'Yawn'?
>Coz there are lots of GUI builders already?
>This is true - power has its own penalties.
>Same is true of vim and emacs as editors.
>Maybe PythonCard has the better approach for occasional users.
Well, Alan, have you ever used HyperCard?
PythonCard is not just "yet another GUI builder", it is environment. It is
higher level than Tkinter, etc.
Your opinion on "GUI builders" is probably due to the fact that most of
them are lame. While we want PythonCard to be of higher value.
And TRULY plus productivity, not minus.
And "occasional users" are those who come to Python from
successful encounter with superb GUI builder.
So, please, do not underestimate PythonCard potential!
Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
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