[Edu-sig] chroot jail or sandbox?
Louis Bertrand
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 18:52:14 -0400
I'm exploring the idea of having my students=20
submit their programming assignments through=20
a Web dropboxand having those assignments=20
automatically marked by a script that runs=20
the submitted program with pre-arranged=20
test data, catching any boo-boos with exceptions.
Here's the problem: this plan violates the secure=20
programming principle that you should never treat=20
data as code and I might be leaving myself=20
open for some serious malware.
Does anyone have any experience with restricting the=20
privileges of a running Python program?
As a first pass, I would:
* run Python in a chroot(2) jail
* load the jail with only the bare minimum to run Python
and remove networking and os modules (at least).
* scan the submitted programs for usage of sys.path.
Any other suggestions?
Louis Bertrand <louis.bertrand@durhamc.on.ca>
School of Technology, Durham College
Oshawa, ON, Canada
+1.905.721.3111 x2468