From Fri May 3 22:04:39 2002 From: (Jeffrey Elkner) Date: 03 May 2002 17:04:39 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic Message-ID: <1020459880.1569.68.camel@mdeicaza> Hi all! My students are working on end of the year projects, and one of our best students, Nick Wheeler, is interested in converting a qbasic program that controls an electric motor through the parallel port into Python. The QBasic program is included below, but the main issues seem to me to be: 1. What are the Python equivalents of PEEK, POKE, and OUT? (how do you do something like: pdata% = PEEK(&H408) + PEEK(&H409) * 256 2. Alternatively, is there a more pythonic way to do such things. Students would love to be able to write program to control motors and things. We also have a science teacher here who wrote a similar program in qbasic to measure the activity of mice. If I could find out how to do this it would go a long way toward getting Python to be more generally used at the school. Thanks! jeff elkner yorktown high school arlington, va +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REM SINGLE.BAS - Single-Coil Excitation REM Copyright (c) 1997, Ian Harries and Imperial College, London, UK REM MS-QBasic v1.1 for MS-DOS REM IBM-PC Parallel Printer Port Data Register REM ========================================== REM 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I/O Port REM +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ======== REM Data | | | | | C4| C3| C2| C1| Base = 278/378/3BC Hex REM +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ REM declare globals COMMON SHARED pdata%: ' OUTPUT Port REM declare subroutines DECLARE SUB delay () DECLARE SUB getLPT () DECLARE SUB KeyWait () DECLARE SUB rotate () REM main program CLS PRINT PRINT "Ian's Parallel Port Stepper Controller" PRINT "======================================" PRINT getLPT IF pdata% <> 0 THEN rotate END SUB delay FOR i% = 1 TO 175 ' dilute to taste REM do nothing NEXT i% END SUB SUB getLPT DEF SEG = 0 pdata% = PEEK(&H408) + PEEK(&H409) * 256 PRINT "LPT1"; IF pdata% = 0 THEN PRINT " not found" ELSE PRINT " found at &H"; HEX$(pdata%) PRINT END SUB SUB KeyWait PRINT "" DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" END SUB SUB rotate OUT pdata%, &H0 PRINT "All OFF to start with "; : KeyWait counter = 1 DO WHILE counter <> 0 PRINT "" INPUT "Enter turn number: "; counter IF counter > 0 THEN PRINT "Clockwise"; FOR i% = 1 TO counter OUT pdata%, &H8: delay OUT pdata%, &H4: delay OUT pdata%, &H2: delay OUT pdata%, &H1: delay PRINT "."; NEXT i% ELSE PRINT "Anticlockwise"; counter=0-counter FOR i% = 1 TO counter OUT pdata%, &H1: delay OUT pdata%, &H2: delay OUT pdata%, &H4: delay OUT pdata%, &H8: delay PRINT "."; NEXT i% END IF LOOP OUT pdata%, &H0 PRINT "All OFF again "; : KeyWait END SUB From Fri May 3 23:37:53 2002 From: (Seth David Schoen) Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 15:37:53 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic In-Reply-To: <1020459880.1569.68.camel@mdeicaza> References: <1020459880.1569.68.camel@mdeicaza> Message-ID: <> Jeffrey Elkner writes: > Hi all! > > My students are working on end of the year projects, and one of our best > students, Nick Wheeler, is interested in converting a qbasic program > that controls an electric motor through the parallel port into Python. > > The QBasic program is included below, but the main issues seem to me to > be: > > 1. What are the Python equivalents of PEEK, POKE, and OUT? (how do you > do something like: > > pdata% = PEEK(&H408) + PEEK(&H409) * 256 > > 2. Alternatively, is there a more pythonic way to do such things. There isn't anything built in to Python which does port I/O. Doing port I/O is a low-level and platform-specific operation. (For example, it doesn't exist conceptually in Java at all. It exists on all PC operating systems, but on Linux and on Windows NT there is a concept that the user running the code might not be permitted to perform that operation.) The most canonical way to do it would be to write a module in C and then call into it from Python. It turns out that people have done this: I hope that helps; it looks to me like it's what you're looking for. When I had to do this, I wrote a separate stand-alone C program which took arguments on the command line and then called into it using os.system. This is faster to write but much less efficient to use; it's only practical if you want to do I/O at a very low data rate. (In my case, it was precisely one byte per second, and so it was practical.) I'd like to find some cheap digital I/O cards with simple and well-documented interfaces and then try to get them working with Python. The parallel port is great, and widely available, but it's not exactly state-of-the-art and not convenient for controlling or accepting input from many devices at once. -- Seth David Schoen | Reading is a right, not a feature! | -- Kathryn Myronuk | From Mon May 6 15:54:03 2002 From: (Jeff Sandys) Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 07:54:03 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] IPSC 2002 registration Message-ID: <> Python can be used for this contest. > From: IPSCreg > > Hello! > > We would like to inform you that you can now register > your team for the Internet Problem Solving Contest 2001. > The registration will end on May 10, 12:00am CEST. > Just visit the registration page: > > > > Also note that the practice session starts on May 9. > During this session, you can get acquainted with the > contest environment and its technical details. We will > provide a sample problem set with both easy and difficult > input data. You may submit your solutions for judging > from May 9, 12:00 to May 10, 12:00 CEST only. You will > be able to submit solutions only if you register before > May 9, 11:30 CEST > > > The IPSC is a contest for teams consisting of up to > three people. Teams participate via internet. Several > problems will be posed at the beginning of the competition. > Each problem consists of a problem description and two > input data sets. To solve a problem you will have to > compute correct output data for the given input data > sets. You can write a program that solves the problem > or you may produce the output by hand or by a combination > of these techniques. Teams submit only output data > sets for judging and should not send their programs. > > Date of the contest: Friday May 10, 2002 > Time and duration: 1:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. > Central European Summer Time (GMT+2) > Registration: Apr 26, 2002- May 10, 2002(12:00 a.m. GMT+2) > > Please, take a look at our www page for further information. > > > > You are welcome to participate! Good luck! > > IPSC Team From Burley, Brent" Seth David Schoen wrote: > I'd like to find some cheap digital I/O cards with simple and > well-documented interfaces and then try to get them working with > Python. The parallel port is great, and widely available, but > it's not exactly state-of-the-art and not convenient for controlling > or accepting input from many devices at once. How about the PC joystick port? Can't get much cheaper than that! And it's also very well documented. ;-) There are 4 digital inputs and 4 analog inputs. The analog inputs actually aren't very good at doing analog input, but they can easily be used as digital (pulse) outputs. I also found this site with a lot of dedicated interface offerings: Brent From Mon May 6 19:07:27 2002 From: (Immer frischer Kaffee) Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 18:07:27 Subject: [Edu-sig] Betreff Message-ID: This is a multipart MIME message. --= Multipart Boundary 0506021807 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --= Multipart Boundary 0506021807 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="index.htm" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="index.htm" PGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD4NCjx0aXRsZT5ORVRNQGlsLUtVUklFUi0gSW1tZXIg ZnJpc2NoZXIgS2FmZmVlITwvdGl0bGU+DQo8bWV0YSBodHRwLWVxdWl2PSJD b250ZW50LVR5cGUiIGNvbnRlbnQ9InRleHQvaHRtbDsgY2hhcnNldD1pc28t ODg1OS0xIj4NCjxzY3JpcHQgbGFuZ3VhZ2U9IkphdmFTY3JpcHQiPg0KPCEt LQ0KZnVuY3Rpb24gTU1fcmVsb2FkUGFnZShpbml0KSB7ICAvL3JlbG9hZHMg dGhlIHdpbmRvdyBpZiBOYXY0IHJlc2l6ZWQNCiAgaWYgKGluaXQ9PXRydWUp IHdpdGggKG5hdmlnYXRvcikge2lmICgoYXBwTmFtZT09Ik5ldHNjYXBlIikm 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References: <> Message-ID: <007801c1f527$0cfd96c0$1615a8c0@mega> Hi! Does anybody know if there exist(s a) Python module(s) for midi-support, which work(s) under Python 2.2 (at least under Windows) ? Thanks, Gregor From Mon May 6 19:16:26 2002 From: (Danny Yoo) Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 11:16:26 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Edu-sig] Re: [Tutor] midi-support? In-Reply-To: <007801c1f527$0cfd96c0$1615a8c0@mega> Message-ID: On Mon, 6 May 2002, Gregor Lingl wrote: > Hi! > Does anybody know if there exist(s a) > Python module(s) for midi-support, > which work(s) under Python 2.2 > (at least under Windows) ? Hi Gregor, I did a quick check on Google. You might find this article on "Noisy Python" useful: The MusicKit system that the article mentions appears to have MIDI support, so perhaps you can use that: Good luck! From Tue May 7 17:33:36 2002 From: (Dethe Elza) Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 09:33:36 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Friday, May 3, 2002, at 03:37 PM, Seth David Schoen wrote: There isn't anything built in to Python which does port I/O. Doing port I/O is a low-level and platform-specific operation. (For example, it doesn't exist conceptually in Java at all. It exists on all PC operating systems, but on Linux and on Windows NT there is a concept that the user running the code might not be permitted to perform that operation.) There may not be any built-in serial I/O in Python (well there is, but only for Posix, although PyWin gives access to the Windows serial access methods), but there are plenty of third party solutions, as a quick google discovered: Universal Serial Port Python Library (windows/linux) "Pure Python," wraps existing serial APIs to give a standard interface Python Serial Port Extension (pySerial: linux/bsd(posix)/windows/jython) "Pure Python," as above, but more ambitious in scope Java also can access serial and parallel ports through the JavaComm API: (links to implementations for many platforms) This used to be a much harder problem. I think Lego Mindstorms inspired a lot of people to solve it %-) While Python can give access to serial, parallel, and joystick ports, I didn't find any standard libaries or APIs for USB or Firewire access. There were a couple of windows-only USB project, some python info in the general Linux-USB project, but not much else. One Japanese page looked promising, with python info for accessing all kinds of hardware, including gameboys, etc., but my Japanese was never that good and it hasn't improved with years of neglect. The good news is that, if your OS supports these interfaces, there's probably a way to call native system services to access them. The bad news is that they haven't been wrapped in a convenient python API yet. How can I be so sure there's a way to do it? On windows there is a calldll python extension which allows you to, you guessed it, call any DLL, so the hardest part is finding accurate documentation on assembling the call. On Linux everything is treated as a file, so if the kernel supports serial ports or USB (or whatever) you can generally access it via Posix calls (same with BSD/OS X and other Posix systems). On older MacOS and less common systems (OS/2, BeOS, Amiga, etc.) you may be out of luck--at least I don't know of any common way to access the hardware on those systems (BeOS can probably do it through BMessages or something). Have fun! --Dethe (Seth, sorry about the duplicate, thought I was sending to the list). -- "Melting down holy grails to make silver bullets for my .357 Panacea" Dethe Elza ( Chief Mad Scientist Enfolding Systems ( Weblog: From Tue May 7 18:16:17 2002 From: (Fred Allen) Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 10:16:17 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic In-Reply-To: <4BB02C541824D311921600902765DB7B03A102A9@LTISERVER> Message-ID: <4BB02C541824D311921600902765DB7B445F94@LTISERVER> The available modules supporting serial I/O, to which this thread alludes, to all seem confined to asynchronous protocols. Do any among you know of any available modules supporting synchronous protocols, e.g., binary synchronous, or bit-synchronous (say HDLC)? Fred Allen -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Dethe Elza Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 9:34 AM To: Subject: Re: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic On Friday, May 3, 2002, at 03:37 PM, Seth David Schoen wrote: There isn't anything built in to Python which does port I/O. Doing port I/O is a low-level and platform-specific operation. (For example, it doesn't exist conceptually in Java at all. It exists on all PC operating systems, but on Linux and on Windows NT there is a concept that the user running the code might not be permitted to perform that operation.) There may not be any built-in serial I/O in Python (well there is, but only for Posix, although PyWin gives access to the Windows serial access methods), but there are plenty of third party solutions, as a quick google discovered: Universal Serial Port Python Library (windows/linux) "Pure Python," wraps existing serial APIs to give a standard interface Python Serial Port Extension (pySerial: linux/bsd(posix)/windows/jython) "Pure Python," as above, but more ambitious in scope Java also can access serial and parallel ports through the JavaComm API: (links to implementations for many platforms) This used to be a much harder problem. I think Lego Mindstorms inspired a lot of people to solve it %-) While Python can give access to serial, parallel, and joystick ports, I didn't find any standard libaries or APIs for USB or Firewire access. There were a couple of windows-only USB project, some python info in the general Linux-USB project, but not much else. One Japanese page looked promising, with python info for accessing all kinds of hardware, including gameboys, etc., but my Japanese was never that good and it hasn't improved with years of neglect. The good news is that, if your OS supports these interfaces, there's probably a way to call native system services to access them. The bad news is that they haven't been wrapped in a convenient python API yet. How can I be so sure there's a way to do it? On windows there is a calldll python extension which allows you to, you guessed it, call any DLL, so the hardest part is finding accurate documentation on assembling the call. On Linux everything is treated as a file, so if the kernel supports serial ports or USB (or whatever) you can generally access it via Posix calls (same with BSD/OS X and other Posix systems). On older MacOS and less common systems (OS/2, BeOS, Amiga, etc.) you may be out of luck--at least I don't know of any common way to access the hardware on those systems (BeOS can probably do it through BMessages or something). Have fun! --Dethe (Seth, sorry about the duplicate, thought I was sending to the list). -- "Melting down holy grails to make silver bullets for my .357 Panacea" Dethe Elza ( Chief Mad Scientist Enfolding Systems ( Weblog: _______________________________________________ Edu-sig mailing list From Tue May 7 19:48:26 2002 From: (Jeff Sandys) Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 11:48:26 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Edu-sig] Re: midi-support? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Message: 2 Gregor Lingl said: > > Does anybody know if there exist(s a) > Python module(s) for midi-support, > which work(s) under Python 2.2 > (at least under Windows) ? What specifically are you looking for? (MIDI is a broad subject) What have you tried so far? There are lots of MIDI things in the Vaults of Parnassus: After I complete some other projects I will be working on a graphical interface to the QY-70. This will involve reading and writing MIDI messages thru the MPU-401 and displaying a "piano roll" sequence. I plan on using the vaults source code as a starting point. Thanks, Jeff Sandys __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness From Tue May 7 21:28:28 2002 From: (Nicholas Wheeler) Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 16:28:28 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic Message-ID: Hello, i am one of the students that started this thread. I found the first email, directing me to winioport to be the most helpful. I did a quick search for a newer version of calldll (python2.2), and found it. I have gotten my program to work on windows 2000, and windows 95. Unfortuantly, Winioport only works on windows . . . I was wondering if anybody knew of a program which would send byte data out to the parallel port in linux. This would be very helpfull. --Nick _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From Sun May 12 11:49:23 2002 From: (Michael Williams) Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 11:49:23 +0100 Subject: [Edu-sig] Changing to future division sitewide Message-ID: <> We are about to embark on a series of trials of the Python language with a view to replacing Pascal as the teaching language here in the department of Physics at Oxford University [0]. We have a day (!) to teach the language so we are really keen on using the new division that returns a mathematically intuitive result (see ) as it is one less thing to explain. [0] Hence this port to EDU-Sig However, our students will be using idlefork to program (both intereactively and in stored modules). Is there any way we can get the new division behaviour sitewide, i.e. we would like the new behaviour in the following situations: 1) typing python at a command prompt (alias "python" to "python -Qnew"?) 2) running a module they've saved (or indeed any module) This might be problematic as it would presumably apply to all modules on the system which might break things--although this is a fresh install of Python. All we have here is Python 2.2.1, Numeric, (a Python wrapper of the Gnuplot program) and idlefork (which is the development version of idle). 3) Someone using the interactive interpreter in idlefork Presumably this is going to involve doing more than one thing if it ieven possible. We could always tell our students to put "from __future__ import division" at the start of every program without explaining it, but that's the kind a black magic we hoped to avoid by using Python rather than, say, C. Yours hopefully, -- Michael From Sun May 12 16:01:51 2002 From: (Kirby Urner) Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 08:01:51 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Changing to future division sitewide In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > >Presumably this is going to involve doing more than one thing if it >ieven possible. We could always tell our students to put "from >__future__ import division" at the start of every program without >explaining it, but that's the kind a black magic we hoped to avoid by >using Python rather than, say, C. > >Yours hopefully, > >-- >Michael The place to start is with the -Qnew switch on the command line in 2.2 or 2.2.1 I just tried it in a DOS box (python -Qnew) and it worked (3/4 returned .75). Then I put it in the command used to boot idle and that worked too, including in a module. Presumably works with forked idle as well. Kirby From Mon May 13 00:28:36 2002 From: (Seth David Schoen) Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 16:28:36 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Nicholas Wheeler writes: > Hello, i am one of the students that started this thread. I found the first > email, directing me to winioport to be the most helpful. I did a quick > search for a newer version of calldll (python2.2), and found it. I have > gotten my program to work on windows 2000, and windows 95. Unfortuantly, > Winioport only works on windows . . . I was wondering if anybody knew of a > program which would send byte data out to the parallel port in linux. This > would be very helpfull. (I haven't tried it, but it looks good. It may be older than winioport.) -- Seth David Schoen | Reading is a right, not a feature! | -- Kathryn Myronuk | From Mon May 13 22:56:45 2002 From: (Nicholas Wheeler) Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 17:56:45 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Converting from Qbasic Message-ID: Thank you very much, it turns out, i emailed the creator of ioport, and he updated it immediatly. This looks like the exact thing i have been looking for. Nick _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at From Wed May 22 12:03:20 2002 From: (Michael Williams) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 12:03:20 +0100 Subject: [Edu-sig] Emulating Pascal input Message-ID: <> Hi, We're currently running a trial implementation of a teaching course in Python here at the University of Oxford Physics department. The current course uses Pascal and, although it works well, is obviously sub-optimal for a modern undergraduate education. Details of the results of the trial will be posted to EDU-sig when it is complete, but for now we're trying to address what we see as a limitation of Python for introductory programming, namely input. Consider the following Pascal code: (******** Pascal code **********) (* Pascal ascii input of numbers: stdin and file *) readln(x, y); readln(fin, x, y); The first line is for stdin, the second for from file. The variables x and y will then contain the first two white space separated numbers the program encounters when that function is called. Here's how we're currently getting students to do the equivalent in Python: ######### Python code ########### # Either: stdin linestring = raw_input() # Or: file linestring = f.readline() linelist = string.split(linestring) x = int(linelist[0]) y = int(linelist[1]) # Or perhaps linestring = raw_input() x,y = string.split(linestring) # x and y are now strings eg. '1' # and '2' x = int(x) y = int(y) Having read through the many threads on this topic on comp.lang.python I realise and understand that modern programs' input generally requires thought and customization from the program author. However, we strongly feel there should be an equivalent to Pascal's readln (which is basically C's scanf but without the formatting strings) for simple, generally numerical, whitespace-separated input. In the two weeks out trial has been running (one to go), students' attempts to read in simple two column tables from a file has consistently caused problems due to the (relative!) complexity of string splitting. However, There is no need for a scanf (if your input is sufficiently complex to require formatting strings then either string or regex splitting is definitely a more elegant solution). I have been attempting to write such a function in Python but have been struggling with (a) the lack of pointers, and (b) my total ignoarnce of classes, which I suspect would be helpful. Here's what I have so far (although note there is no error handling--give it a string response and it falls over and dies, give it the wrong number of responses and it falls over and dies, etc., etc.): ############ ############ import string def ninput(n, fin = None, prompt = '', sep = None): # If not file input then get string from stdin, else get from file if fin == None: linestring = raw_input(prompt) else: linestring = fin.readline() # Split up into list with optional seperator argument responses = string.split(linestring, sep) for i in range(len(responses)): if '.' in responses[i] or 'e' in responses[i] or \ 'E' in responses[i]: # i.e. if it looks like a float responses[i] = float(responses[i]) else: # i.e if it doesn't look like a float responses[i] = int(responses[i]) # If there was only one response then don't return a list. if len(responses) == 1: responses = responses[0] return responses[:n] #################################### And here is a usage example: >>> x, y = ninput(2) 5 6.0 >>> print x, type(x) 5 >>> print y, type(y) 6.0 This has the limitation that the user must pass the number of results they expect back. This is done implicitly in the Pascal version too (the number of variables passed to the function). However, error checking is difficult as this version stands. If the student using the ninput function does, e.g. >>> x = ninput(2) 5 6.0 [5, 6.0] This is possibly what should be expected. However, passing the numerical argument representing the number of results expected does not strike me as a particularly graceful solution. We would prefer something like the Pascal way, where the global variables in which the results are to be stored are passed as parameters. Can anyone suggest a way of doing this? And if such an equivalent to the Pascal construct was implemented, what would be the chances of getting it included in, say, the string module of core Python. We would like such a function but would be reluctant to use it as we would then be teaching our students a ``dialect'' of Python. -- Michael Williams From Wed May 22 12:42:59 2002 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 07:42:59 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Emulating Pascal input In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 May 2002 12:03:20 BST." <> References: <> Message-ID: <> [Michael Williams is looking for a readln() replacement] If you're willing to change the input format to require commas between numbers, you could use the standard built-in function input(), which was put in Python specifically to support this kind of usage. --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Wed May 22 13:25:02 2002 From: (Michael Williams) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 13:25:02 +0100 Subject: [Edu-sig] Emulating Pascal input In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 07:42:59AM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote: > [Michael Williams is looking for a readln() replacement] > > If you're willing to change the input format to require commas between > numbers, you could use the standard built-in function input(), which > was put in Python specifically to support this kind of usage. I did consider this but: - the quasi-standard way of delimiting data is whitespace -- not commas. - allowing users of programs to interact using input() is A Bad Thing. -- Michael From Wed May 22 19:55:29 2002 From: (Siemssen, Bradford) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 11:55:29 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Re: Emulating Pascal input Message-ID: <> Michael, I'd recommend using the input function as suggested by Guido. However, if you really feel the need to get the functionality you described try this. I modified your original routine to have more error handling, and to be a bit more robust. Note I haven't tested this myself, I'm writing this on company time, and hey it's python it often works first try, but look over the code and you should get an idea how to make it work. The code below when given non-number values in the input will interpret the values as some default value (typically zeros). The code will prompt the user to re-enter the values when used interactively when the "strictInput" flag is passed to the function. Note "strictInput" is incompatible with reading from a file, there is no way to prompt a file to re-enter bad input. When the conflict is found an exception is thrown. The code could be simplified by removing the strictInput flag and associated logic entirely. Cheers, Brad The new code is below. ############ ############ import string # You will need the input part as a separate function so you can use it # easily when dealing with errors. def promptedSeparatedInput(fin, prompt, sep): # If not file input then get string from stdin, else get from file if fin == None: linestring = raw_input(prompt) else: linestring = fin.readline() # Split up into list with optional seperator argument responses = string.split(linestring, sep) return responses def ninput(n, fin = None, prompt = '', sep = None, strictInput = 0, errMsg = "Enter numbers numbskull!!", defaultValue = 0.0): if strictInput and fin != None: raise "invalid parameters to ninput, can not use strictInput with a file" # force reading the input at least once, technically since we don't have # any input yet there is an error that will be remedied by getting it. inputErrors = 1 while inputErrors: # Assume everything will go right, and we don't have to # continue this loop. Error handling code may change that though. inputErrors = 0 # Get the input. responses = promptedSeparatedInput(fin, prompt, sep) for i in range(len(responses)): # You need to catch exceptions that may occur # when converting data of the wrong type try: if '.' in responses[i] or 'e' in responses[i] or \ 'E' in responses[i]: # i.e. if it looks like a float responses[i] = float(responses[i]) else: # i.e if it doesn't look like a float responses[i] = int(responses[i]) except: # when doing strict input checking, print the error message, # and keep the while loop from terminating so we will get the # input from the user again. if strictInput: inputErrors = 1 print errMsg break # exit the for loop else: # When not doing strictInput just set the value to the default. responses[i]= defaultValue # you should take care of the case where less was entered than was # expected, fill in spaces with the default value. while (n - len(responses)) > 0: responses.append(defaultValue) # If there was only one response then don't return a list. #wrong -> if len(responses) == 1: responses = responses[0] # you really mean if only one response was _EXPECTED_ then don't return a list if n == 1: return responses[0] return responses[:n] ############## example usage: x = ninput(2) x [5, 6.0] # use list unpacking instead of unpacking the list by hand, # note you'll get an exception if the number of variables to # unpack into is different than the number returned. x, y, z = ninput(3) # or just assign the resulting list x = ninput(3) P.S. Regarding passing the values you want the results stored in to the function is not possible using python. All variables are just references, and parameters are local variables, so they are copies of references. Changing what a local variable references does not change what the outer variable references. From Wed May 22 20:42:10 2002 From: (Kirby Urner) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 12:42:10 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Emulating Pascal input In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > >######### Python code ########### ># Either: stdin >linestring = raw_input() > ># Or: file >linestring = f.readline() > >linelist = string.split(linestring) >x = int(linelist[0]) >y = int(linelist[1]) > ># Or perhaps >linestring = raw_input() >x,y = string.split(linestring) # x and y are now strings eg. '1' > # and '2' >x = int(x) >y = int(y) I know people generally say eval() is "bad" but if you're a student writing your own programs to read your own data (not writing some generic thing for over-the-web use) it's unreasonable to expect iron-clad protection against "abuse" at every turn. Just do what works. It's your sandbox, after all. If you're intent upon writing malicious stuff, there's no protecting you from yourself no matter how good a coder you are. If it *is* your sandbox, then splitting space-separated string elements that you know represent numeric data, and evaluating them to lists containing actual integers or floats, is pretty straightforward: def getdata(strdata): return [eval(i) for i in strdata.split()] >>> getdata('1.2 7e6 -1 10.39') [1.2, 7000000.0, -1, 10.390000000000001] Given x,y = [1,2] is legal syntax, you can write stuff like: x,y,z = getdata(f.readline()) where readline() gets you the next 3 numbers in character form. x,y and z end up with integer or float values. This problem comes up a lot on the tutor list. To quote Alan, author of a bestselling Python book: > I'd like to convert a string to either a float or an integer > ``intelligently", i.e.: The easy way would be to use eval() All the usual caveats around using eval() (and exec()) apply of course.... That's from earlier today. Another option, if you know the data is either ints or floats, is to apply int() to the string without pre-checking. int('2.0') is an error, as is int('2e3'). So if int can't deal with it, pass it on to float: def getdata2(strdata): rtnval = [] for i in strdata.split(): try: rtnval.append(int(i)) except: rtnval.append(float(i)) return rtnval >>> getdata2('1.2 7e6 -1 10.39') [1.2, 7000000.0, -1, 10.390000000000001] If you don't trust the data to be all ints or floats, another level could be added, and/or allow it to crash gracefully (cuz the data must be corrupt). Kirby From sdm7g@Virginia.EDU Wed May 22 23:43:06 2002 From: sdm7g@Virginia.EDU (Steven Majewski) Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 18:43:06 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Edu-sig] Emulating Pascal input In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Wed, 22 May 2002, Michael Williams wrote: > On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 07:42:59AM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote: > > [Michael Williams is looking for a readln() replacement] > > > > If you're willing to change the input format to require commas between > > numbers, you could use the standard built-in function input(), which > > was put in Python specifically to support this kind of usage. > > I did consider this but: > > - the quasi-standard way of delimiting data is whitespace -- not > commas. > > - allowing users of programs to interact using input() is A Bad Thing. Why is it a "Bad Thing" ? If these are the students own programs then security isn't a problem. It's really handy to be able to type expressions for input args instead of having to get out a calculator to figure out the input args for your program. If you do want to restrict the input use something like: >>> import math >>> def expr( e ): return eval( e, math.__dict__, {} ) Now you can use string.split to get your whitespace delimited args: >>> map( expr, sys.stdin.readline().strip().split() ) 1 sqrt(2) pi/2 2 3.0 pi [1, 1.4142135623730951, 1.5707963267948966, 2, 3.0, 3.1415926535897931] If you want some latitude in the choice of separator, you should use re.split -- commas change the evaluation of the string: >>> map( expr, sys.stdin.readline().strip().split() ) 1,2,3 [(1, 2, 3)] >>> map( expr, sys.stdin.readline().strip().split() ) 1, 2, 3 [(1,), (2,), 3] >>> map( expr, re.split( '[, \t]', sys.stdin.readline() ) ) If you want some input error checking on the number types of input values, you can use an explicit list of coercions: map( lambda f,x: f(x), [ int, float, expr ], ... You could wrap up your preferred style in a function or use something like this (with all the options): >>> def readln( source=sys.stdin, prompt='>', sep='[ ,\t]', coerce=None ): ... if source is sys.stdin: inp = lambda : raw_input( prompt ) ... else: inp = source.readline ... args = re.split( sep, inp().strip() ) ... if coerce is None: ... return map( expr, args ) ... else: ... return map( lambda f,x: f(x), coerce, args ) ... Using the coercion functions lets you input strings without requiring quotes: >>> readln( coerce=(str,int) ) > abc 1 ['abc', 1] -- Steve Majewski From Thu May 23 18:25:03 2002 From: (lolita) Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 00.25.00 +0200 Subject: [Edu-sig] Eros e soldi:guadagna con internet 0,08 euro a clic Message-ID: sono lolita=2C voglio presentarti il mio nuovo sito affiliazione gratuita con guadagni immediati=3A erotismo=2C chat=2Cloghi e sonerie etc=2C etc=2C l'unico sito che paga cos=EC tanto 0=2C08 euro a clic =2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Eguarda bene la pg di affiliazione=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Ee buon divertimento=2E visita il sito=3A http=3A=2F=2Fmembers=2Exoom=2Eit=2Fmarym1976 http=3A=2F=2Fmembers=2Exoom=2Eit=2Fmarym1976 http=3A=2F=2Fmembers=2Exoom=2Eit=2Fmarym1976 From Sat May 25 19:09:54 2002 From: (Kirby Urner) Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 11:09:54 -0700 Subject: [Edu-sig] Re: New Kind of Science (Wolfram) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> I recently got my copy of Stephan Wolfram's new book, 'A New Kind of Science' (2002) which focuses on complexity using computer expriments with cellular automata, ala the Game of Life (but the rules are often even simpler). The early part of the book focuses on grids populated according to simple rules, starting from a top row with just one black cell (the rest white) and working downward. Cells are considered in groups of 3, with the cell directly below the middle one turning white or black based on the mapping rule, i.e. based on how a given combination of 3 (white or black = 8 possibilities) gives a next generation cell in the next row. For example, rule 30 looks like this: >>> import nks >>> p = nks.Pattern(30) >>> p.sayrule() 111 --> 0 110 --> 0 101 --> 0 100 --> 1 011 --> 1 010 --> 1 001 --> 1 000 --> 0 The combinations on the left are fixed (always the same 8 in that order) whereas the string of 0s and 1s defines a unique binary number from 0 to 255. If I fill with 0s to 8 positions, and ask for 30 in binary, I get: >>> nks.base2(30,8) '00011110' ...which is the same rule as above. So if in the top row you had 20 whites plus a middle black: >>> p = nks.Pattern(30,width=20) >>> p.gen '000000000010000000000' Then successive rows would be: >>> '000000000111000000000' and: >>> '000000001100100000000' Complexity comes in with some rules (including 30) in a dramatic fashion, whereas other rules give terminal, static results, or an expanding fractal of nested, self-similar patterns (which we might consider complex, yet here the term is reserved for more unpredictable, more apparently random patterns). The beginning of the generation process of rule 30 is depicted here: and after a few more rows: and finally (to a lot more rows): This last picture is the default output of: >>> import nks >>> p = nks.Pattern(30) >>> (I have the user then manually opening Povray to render nks30.pov -- an automated render invoked from within Python would be another option (but I like to tweak settings and re-render, so manual is better)). It turns out the Wolfram has been exploiting the randomness in this pattern to serve as a random number generator for Mathematica all this time (pg. 317). So, the pictures above come from using my usual Python + Povray combo. Another approach would be to populate pixels directly using PIL or some similar set of tools. But I wanted quick results through recycling existing code I've already written. Another side effect is we get little spheres in place of the flat squares used in Wolfram's book. That's OK. The patterns are what's important. I basically just use literal strings of 0s and 1s to generate the pictures. I don't keep a whole grid in memory -- each successive row overwrites the one before, so there's only the previous row and the next one to mess with at any given time. The Pattern object accepts any rule from 0 to 255 as input and the run() method creates the Povray file to 388 generations (the default). The first draft of my source code is at: Note dependencies on and -- both posted in the same subdirectory. And of course you need Povray, available from Kirby From Sat May 25 19:19:00 2002 From: (Patrick K. O'Brien) Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 13:19:00 -0500 Subject: [Edu-sig] Re: New Kind of Science (Wolfram) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: [Kirby Urner] > > I recently got my copy of Stephan Wolfram's new book, > 'A New Kind of Science' (2002) which focuses on complexity > using computer expriments with cellular automata, ala > the Game of Life (but the rules are often even simpler). > > [Examples snipped] Cool stuff. This book is on my wish list. How do you like the book overall? And is it relatively easy to translate into Python code, such as the examples you gave? --- Patrick K. O'Brien Orbtech From Sat May 25 20:06:11 2002 From: (Kirby Urner) Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 12:06:11 -0700 Subject: [Tutor] RE: [Edu-sig] Re: New Kind of Science (Wolfram) In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> > >Cool stuff. This book is on my wish list. How do you like the >book overall? I like that it's written for a broad audience and doesn't assume much specialized knowledge, except maybe in the notes section. It's quite a thick tome -- about 1200 pages not including the index. Lots of illustrations and diagrams (b&w or grayscale). The organization is meticulous, with lots of specific citations to page numbers >And is it relatively easy to translate into Python code, such as the >examples you gave? The examples I gave are the simplest, but are also core/critical. You can get fancier of course, and Python'd be up to the task, although Wolfram is understandably focussed on Mathematica as his implementation system of choice. Kirby From Wed May 29 23:47:25 2002 From: (Ingo Linkweiler) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 00:47:25 +0200 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? Message-ID: <> Hello, are you using python for teaching programing? I am just writing a diploma paper about python and want to know your experiences with python. What do you like when teaching python? For example: - Easy readable syntax - High Level language - Lists, Tupels, Dictionaries included - interpreter: Everything can be tested - Many tools available ..... AND MORE IMPORTANT: What are your problems with python? Are pupils/students having any problems or often asked questions? What do you dislike at python? For example: - When teaching C or Pascal, newbies do not know, where to set a ";" and where not. Any similar problems with Python? - Why must I set a ":" after "if" or "for" ? " if x == y : " ..... I hope you have many suggestions. regards, Ingo From Thu May 30 12:16:23 2002 From: (Michael Williams) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 12:16:23 +0100 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 12:47:25AM +0200, Ingo Linkweiler wrote: > are you using python for teaching programing? We're about to start. We've been running quasi-competetive trials of Python and C, with a view to replacing the current Pascal implementation of the undergraduate programming syllabus here as the University of Oxford's Physics department. > I am just writing a diploma paper about python and want to know your > experiences with python. > > What do you like when teaching python? > For example: > - Easy readable syntax Check. > - High Level language Check. We would never consider teaching anything ``low-level'' in scientific programming (C doesn't count). > - Lists, Tupels, Dictionaries included Not bothered for our purposes. Lists are mentioned only very briefly in the context of the range() function, but we got away without discussing tuples or dictionaries at all. I say ``got away'' because we only have 1 day to teach programming(!) so almost anything we can avoid we will. > - interpreter: Everything can be tested I thought this was going to be a big deal. We designed the trial to give students almost a free reign over whether to use modules or the interpreter and *none* of them (out of about 40) used the interpreter. I think this might be due to the length of the programs they were writing (none more than about 100 lines), so they can derive practically the same amount of interactivity from repeatedly re-running the the program. Perhaps when asked to write longer programs, when it becomes unwieldy to make changes for debugging purposes they might use it. > - Many tools available The standard library is nice, but we make particularly heavy use of Numeric Python and > AND MORE IMPORTANT: > What are your problems with python? Are pupils/students having any > problems or often asked questions? At the moment it's hard to determine if the consistent problems are due to the way the course is written OR peculiar to Python OR generic problems that students would encounter in learning programming in every language. We do seem to be having some trouble with the inconsistency of writing to stdout and file. To make things easier early on we have them write to screen using the print command. They can then separate abritrary variables using commas. However then they do fout.write(myfloat, myint, "Some numbers") and it doesn't work they get confused. It may be better to teach them to write to screen using sys.stdout.write from the start as that then provides a consistent writing tool. > What do you dislike at python? Input of whitespace separated numbers from file or stdin is relatively complex in Python: >>> line = raw_input() >>> snumbers = string.split(line) >>> x, y = float(snumbers[0], snumbers[1]) unless I'm missing something obvious. The comparable expression in Pascal is readln(x, y) > Any similar problems with Python? > - Why must I set a ":" after "if" or "for" ? " if x == y : " I explain this by appealing to their understanding of grammar: A colon introduces a new idea. (Apologies to whoever it was came up with that explanation on either this list or tutor). They seem to forget it quite regularly, but the error message leaves nothing to the imagination. If you (or anyone) are interested in seeing the handbook for the course, from which our students work, then I could post the URL to a *work in progress* version of it here. It's available in HTML, PDF and PS. -- Michael From Thu May 30 13:44:26 2002 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 08:44:26 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 May 2002 12:16:23 BST." <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> > > - Lists, Tupels, Dictionaries included > > Not bothered for our purposes. Lists are mentioned only very briefly > in the context of the range() function, but we got away without > discussing tuples or dictionaries at all. I say ``got away'' because > we only have 1 day to teach programming(!) so almost anything we can > avoid we will. It seems your course is somewhat unusual in that apparently has a heavy focus on scientific computing. Not surprising given that you're in the Physics program! Usually data structures are a very important part of a programming curriculum, and then lists and dicts are crucial. Does this mean you represent all arrays of numbers with Numeric arrays? > > - interpreter: Everything can be tested > > I thought this was going to be a big deal. We designed the trial to > give students almost a free reign over whether to use modules or the > interpreter and *none* of them (out of about 40) used the > interpreter. I think this might be due to the length of the programs > they were writing (none more than about 100 lines), so they can > derive practically the same amount of interactivity from repeatedly > re-running the the program. Perhaps when asked to write longer > programs, when it becomes unwieldy to make changes for debugging > purposes they might use it. Interesting. Could it also be that your students have reasonable computer experience on Windows, where an interactive command line interface is not used? > We do seem to be having some trouble with the inconsistency of > writing to stdout and file. To make things easier early on we have > them write to screen using the print command. They can then separate > abritrary variables using commas. However then they do > fout.write(myfloat, myint, "Some numbers") and it doesn't work they > get confused. It may be better to teach them to write to screen > using sys.stdout.write from the start as that then provides a > consistent writing tool. Point taken. It's just that sys.stdout.write is so cumbersome to produce neat-looking output. :-( I wonder what could be done to fix this? Making write() act more like print is impossible for backwards compatibility reasons (separate print calls always insert a space or a newline between data, and separate write() calls do neither). Maybe we should add a file method f.printf("format string", args) and a built-in function printf("format string", args) and deprecate the print statement??? --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Thu May 30 14:12:48 2002 From: (Jeffrey Elkner) Date: 30 May 2002 09:12:48 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <1022764414.3107.114.camel@mdeicaza> On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 18:47, Ingo Linkweiler wrote: > are you using python for teaching programing? Please see the "Who teaches Python" page at: As you find schools not listed on the page, I would be grateful if you could send them my way. I would like to keep this list as complete and up to date as possible to facilitate general communication (and aid in inquiries like yours ;-) > I am just writing a diploma paper about python and want to know your > experiences with python. > > What do you like when teaching python? > For example: > - Easy readable syntax > - High Level language > - Lists, Tupels, Dictionaries included > - interpreter: Everything can be tested > - Many tools available > ..... > > AND MORE IMPORTANT: > What are your problems with python? Are pupils/students having any > problems or often asked questions? > What do you dislike at python? > > For example: > - When teaching C or Pascal, newbies do not know, where to set a ";" and > > where not. Any similar problems with Python? > - Why must I set a ":" after "if" or "for" ? " if x == y : " > ..... I've written two papers about the Yorktown High School experience with Python. They can each be found on my homepage: I would like to hear back from you regarding the results of your inquiry. It would be great if we could include them on the pyBiblio site. jeff elkner yorktown high school arlington, va From Thu May 30 14:30:30 2002 From: (Michael Williams) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 14:30:30 +0100 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 08:44:26AM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote: > > > - Lists, Tupels, Dictionaries included > > > > Not bothered for our purposes. Lists are mentioned only very briefly > > in the context of the range() function, but we got away without > > discussing tuples or dictionaries at all. I say ``got away'' because > > we only have 1 day to teach programming(!) so almost anything we can > > avoid we will. > > It seems your course is somewhat unusual in that apparently has a > heavy focus on scientific computing. Not surprising given that you're > in the Physics program! Indeed. > Usually data structures are a very important > part of a programming curriculum, and then lists and dicts are > crucial. Does this mean you represent all arrays of numbers with > Numeric arrays? Yes. > > > - interpreter: Everything can be tested > > > > I thought this was going to be a big deal. We designed the trial to > > give students almost a free reign over whether to use modules or the > > interpreter and *none* of them (out of about 40) used the > > interpreter. I think this might be due to the length of the programs > > they were writing (none more than about 100 lines), so they can > > derive practically the same amount of interactivity from repeatedly > > re-running the the program. Perhaps when asked to write longer > > programs, when it becomes unwieldy to make changes for debugging > > purposes they might use it. > > Interesting. Could it also be that your students have reasonable > computer experience on Windows, where an interactive command line > interface is not used? Yes. Five years ago we made the assumption that students had *no* experience. Now we make the assumption that they have Windows experience (I'll leave the question of which one is preferable as an exercise for the reader ;->). They seem to find the UNIX environment quite difficult for the first couple of hours, and I don't doubt that an unwillingness to work intereactively in Python is related. In the handbook we insist they use the Shell only once (for the ``hello world'' program). Perhaps we should have them use it for a little longer. Interestingly, the experienced UNIX users and more advanced programmers (not generally the same people as very few students come knowing, for example, C, but Visual Basic is common), do tend to use the Shell more when debugging the more substantial problems. > > We do seem to be having some trouble with the inconsistency of > > writing to stdout and file. To make things easier early on we have > > them write to screen using the print command. They can then separate > > abritrary variables using commas. However then they do > > fout.write(myfloat, myint, "Some numbers") and it doesn't work they > > get confused. It may be better to teach them to write to screen > > using sys.stdout.write from the start as that then provides a > > consistent writing tool. > > Point taken. It's just that sys.stdout.write is so cumbersome to > produce neat-looking output. :-( Indeed. I can just imagine how terrifying ``Hello World'' would look to our students (many of whom currently hate and avoid programming at all costs) with a printf statement. Most of them are happy with formatted output by the end of the day though. > I wonder what could be done to fix this? Making write() act more like > print is impossible for backwards compatibility reasons (separate > print calls always insert a space or a newline between data, and > separate write() calls do neither). That was going to be my suggestion, but fair enough. > Maybe we should add a file method > > f.printf("format string", args) How about a file method f.print(arbitrary comma separated variables) that works in the same way as print? > and a built-in function > > printf("format string", args) > > and deprecate the print statement??? Deprecating the print statement is, I think, an unecessarily big change to the language. This trivial method of writing, that does all sorts of voodoo to format intelligently is one of Python's strongest features. Perhaps a printf should be included though -- students learning Python would then have another skill applicable to C. Part of the political resistance I'm experiencing seems to be related to the fact that Python does so much for you--print being a particular example of this. -- Michael From Thu May 30 14:58:20 2002 From: (Dr. David J. Ritchie) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 08:58:20 -0500 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? References: <> Message-ID: <> Ingo Linkweiler wrote: > Hello, > > are you using python for teaching programing? Yes, I have used it over the last year for two middle school computer clubs (6th graders - 8th graders) that meet once per week for an hour after school. I have written a handout (~60 pages) which the club sessions have let me classroom test and I am in the process now of revising it based on the year's experience for use with next year's computer clubs. > > I am just writing a diploma paper about python and want to know your > experiences with python. > > What do you like when teaching python? My main attraction for trying Python this year instead of Perl (which I had done for several years previously) was the clarity of the object-oriented approach that presents itself in Python as compared to that in Perl where it is more buried and requires more of a stretch to understand clearly what is going on. I thought it was important to give the kids more experience with object-oriented programming since they are likely to see so much of that later if they go on in computing. > > AND MORE IMPORTANT: > What are your problems with python? No particular problems. The integration with Tk (as exemplified by the bundle that includes both on the CD that comes with the O'Reilly Learning Perl book is particularly helpful. It isn't that I am a fan of Tk -- any gui is fine -- it's that it is a smooth install to get both so that there is less complication in getting staff to install it on the school's computers. > Are pupils/students having any > problems or often asked questions? No, they seem to have done fine. One girl extended the adventure game template I wrote for them to try to adapt so that it let the characters move Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, and Southeast in addition to NESW. Mainly, she did a cut and paste job but she was successful at it--including introducing bugs and figuring out what the problem was and fixing them. Of course, she was pretty experienced having taken Perl from me two years earlier when she was in sixth grade. > > What do you dislike at python? Nothing particularly. It's fine. Perl's fine. They all have their uses. The great thing about teaching either to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders is that they have no context in which to interpret things so they don't buy into religious wars about Perl vs. Python vs. Visual Basic vs. C++ vs. Unix vs. Windows. So, I try to avoid communicating my hang-ups to them in an effort to stave off yet another generation of religious wars about those subjects. For them, it's all about making the computer do something and it doesn't matter to them much which it is. > > I hope you have many suggestions. Good luck with your studies and survey. --David -- Dr. David J. Ritchie, Sr. From Thu May 30 16:48:18 2002 From: (Guido van Rossum) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 11:48:18 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 May 2002 14:30:30 BST." <> References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> > In the handbook we insist they use the Shell only once (for the > ``hello world'' program). Perhaps we should have them use it for a > little longer. The standard tutorial uses the Python shell extensively, to show how various language constructs work. Maybe you can borrow from there. > Interestingly, the experienced UNIX users and more advanced > programmers (not generally the same people as very few students come > knowing, for example, C, but Visual Basic is common), do tend to use > the Shell more when debugging the more substantial problems. Makes sense -- interactive debugging is a very powerful tool. > > Maybe we should add a file method > > > > f.printf("format string", args) > > How about a file method f.print(arbitrary comma separated variables) > that works in the same way as print? Alas, print is a keyword and can't be reused as a method name. > > and a built-in function > > > > printf("format string", args) > > > > and deprecate the print statement??? > > Deprecating the print statement is, I think, an unecessarily big change > to the language. This trivial method of writing, that does all sorts of > voodoo to format intelligently is one of Python's strongest features. Ah, I must've suffered from temporary memory loss! In Python 2.0 and later you can use the print statement to write to a file, using print >>f, var, var, ... So forget about my suggestion of adding printf(). --Guido van Rossum (home page: From Thu May 30 14:13:39 2002 From: (Kirby Urner) Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 09:13:39 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> > Input of whitespace separated numbers from file or stdin is relatively > > complex in Python: > >>> line =3D raw_input() > >>> snumbers =3D string.split(line) > >>> x, y =3D float(snumbers[0], snumbers[1]) > > unless I'm missing something obvious. The comparable expression in > Pascal is > > readln(x, y) True, more complicated, as per previous thread. def readln(): # defined once return [eval(i) for i in raw_input().split()] x,y =3D readln() # used elsewhere is a quickie workaround. =20 Seems if your goal is to get right to Physics and not master Python as a=20 language per se (i.e. Python is very much a means to an end), then=20 you could teach students to go: from courseware import *=20 at the top of their programs. Inside of this module could be included various shortcuts of this nature (e.g. readln). This might save time better spent on physics. In other words, code up to a higher, yet more specialized level, and use this customized API in class (the module=20 might well include some routines for Numeric and GnuPlot stuff). Kirby From Fri May 31 11:36:20 2002 From: (Michael Williams) Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 11:36:20 +0100 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 09:13:39AM -0400, Kirby Urner wrote: > Seems if your goal is to get right to Physics and not master Python as a > language per se (i.e. Python is very much a means to an end), then > you could teach students to go: > > from courseware import * > > at the top of their programs. Inside of this module could be included > various shortcuts of this nature (e.g. readln). This might save time > better spent on physics. In other words, code up to a higher, yet more > specialized level, and use this customized API in class (the module > might well include some routines for Numeric and GnuPlot stuff). We already have such a library that imports some functions for printing programs and output, and the appropriate Numeric and Gnuplot objects. If we found a satisfactory way of simplifying the kind of input we want to do this is precisely where it would go. As you say, we're in the business of teaching Physics (and programming for Physics) and not Python. Our main concern is getting a consistent input and output model from both stdin/out and file. The string.split() method isn't appallingly complex and is by no means a show-stopper, so if it turns out that using it increases student's understanding of what is going on by making everything more consistent we may stick with that. -- Michael From Fri May 31 15:33:52 2002 From: (Kirby Urner) Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 10:33:52 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> > We already have such a library that imports some functions for printing > programs and output, and the appropriate Numeric and Gnuplot objects. I= f > we found a satisfactory way of simplifying the kind of input we want to > do this is precisely where it would go. Great minds think alike I guess :-D. Speaking of physics, you've no doubt checked into VPython, orginally developed to support study of physics using real time graphics routines a= t Carnegie-Mellon Univ, as I understand the history: http://www.vpython.or= g/ Seems to me the interface between physics and programming is becoming richer (and yet more affordable) by the day. Makes me nostalgic for life= =20 as an undergraduate (except in my day we had few PCs, no Linux, and no Python -- but I've got all that now, and a day job to boot). Kirby From Burley, Brent" Message-ID: <> > From: Kirby Urner ... > def readln(): # defined once > return [eval(i) for i in raw_input().split()] > > x,y = readln() # used elsewhere > > is a quickie workaround. Clever, and concise! Here's a more robust (albeit verbose) version that checks the number and types of the arguments: def readln(spec, prompt=""): types = { 'i' : int, 'f' : float, 's' : str } while 1: words = raw_input(prompt).split() if len(words) != len(spec): print 'You must input', len(spec), 'items, please try again' continue try: return [types[s](w) for s,w in zip(spec, words)] except KeyError: print 'Invalid type specifier passed to readln:', s print " You must pass in a string of i's, f's, or s's" return except ValueError, e: print 'Invalid input, please try again' print ' ', e >>> print readln('ifs', 'input (int float string): ') input (int float string): You must input 3 items, please try again input (int float string): a b c Invalid input, please try again invalid literal for int(): a input (int float string): 1 2 3 [1, 2.0, '3'] >>> Or, if you only care about inputting numbers, you can use this simpler version: def readnumbers(num, prompt=""): while 1: words = raw_input(prompt).split() if len(words) != num: print 'You must input', num, 'numbers, please try again' continue try: return [float(w) for w in words] except ValueError, e: print 'Invalid input, please try again' print ' ', e >>> readnumbers(3, 'x y z? ') x y z? 1 2 You must input 3 numbers, please try again x y z? 1 2 z Invalid input, please try again invalid literal for float(): z x y z? 1 2 3 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] Brent From Fri May 31 23:53:48 2002 From: (Louis Bertrand) Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 18:53:48 -0400 Subject: [Edu-sig] Python @ Education: What are your problems? Message-ID: [warning to edu-sig readers -- somewhat long] Hello, I use Python to teach the first year programming course in the "computer systems" and "computer programmer" streams in the School of Technology here at Durham College. The intent of this course is to take students with no prior programming experience and teach them the fundamentals: variables, branches, loops, functions, objects and a bit (excuse the term) of binary & hex. Students are from mixed backgrounds (fresh out of high school, returning to school as mature student, foreign students), aiming for practical, hands-on training as opposed to university-style courses. The experience has been mixed but mostly good. Java was the first choice for this course but I got nightmares at the thought of teaching monstrosities like: class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } instead of: print "Hello World" Interpreted rather than compiled: driving the interpreter directly, line by line is great for in-class demonstrations because I can "walk" through an example, then run it full speed from the .py file. This is especially good for Tkinter examples. Objects: Python's object model is simple and uncluttered so that's good. However the "self" reference in method parameter lists and for instance variables is a source of aggravation. There is trouble reconciling the fact that a method is nested in the class definition, but it still needs to be told about itself, and all instance variables need to also be referenced. Java's "this" is more subtle -- you don't see it, but it's there when you need it. You don't need to introduce it immediately. Dynamic typing: mixed blessing. Students don't trip on types, but they aren't prepared for the strict typing in Java and the little disasters due to type errors in C. Simpler syntax. No squiggles and semicolons to worry about. However, this leaves the students unprepared for the squiggles and semicolons in C, C++ and Java. Indenting block structure. Nice because it matches the pseudocode I do in class. However, some students often don't get it and occasionally give me: if x == y : # do some stuff else : # do something else # Sorry, I couldn't get it to work. It kept giving me errors :( Basically, since IDLE keeps suggesting an indent, they never de-indent when they are done the particular block. The fact that nobody around here had heard of Python before I started has been a constant aggravation. "If it's not popular, it can't be any good" (read between the lines: "if it didn't come from Microsoft, it's no good"), or the even deadlier slag "it won't help our grads get a job"). This leads to pushback from other teachers and some students who feel I'm teaching something totally irrelevant and "out in left field". Visual Basic, C, C++, Java and Turing are the alternatives proposed. (References and "ammunition" welcome). IDLE, while it meets its design goals for portability and simplicity, may be _too_ simple. For example, IDLE doesn't even let students print out their work -- I have to get them to copy and paste their console output to Notepad. I'm afraid that we have to "market" to students these days, and the glitz and flash of Microsoft Visual Studio totally obliterates IDLE. I need to find a more Microsoft-oriented IDE (but not python for dot N0T) . Anyway, that's it for now (I vented my frustrations). On the whole, I'll keep doing the course my way. I want to change a few things, but Python stays. If there are points you'd like me to follow up, feel free to ask privately or on the edu-sig list. Ciao --Louis Louis Bertrand Durham College, Oshawa, Canada