[Edu-sig] Computer club in NZ

Arthur ajsiegel@optonline.net
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 08:32:02 -0400

Nice surprise.  Googled on "povray sdl" looking for resources on the 
povray scene desciption language, and came across this - as the second hit:


which is more about Python for kids than the povray sdl or or the SDL 
library itself.

Thought I'd throw it up here, not knowing whether the handouts there on 
introductory programming with Python are on the radar of known resources.

There is something there on povray as well, but   - from a quick look. - 
they haven't seemed to tie together the possiblities of working with 
Python and povray together, ala the kinds of things that Kirby has been 
doing, and the VPython povexport.py utility
