[Edu-sig] Re: Lines of code and programmer time...

Patrick Curtain patrick@swdev.com
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 09:31:27 -0700

Please, Please!  Will you share your thesis paper with us when it's 
done.  I'd presume I'm not the only one that would -love- to read your 

> From: Jeffrey Elkner <jeff@elkner.net>
> To: Edu-sig <edu-sig@python.org>
> Organization:
> Date: 16 Apr 2003 22:06:49 -0400
> Subject: [Edu-sig] Lines of code and programmer time...
> Hi All,
> I seem to remember hearing a few times about a study somewhere that 
> said
> that programmers produce about the same number of lines of code in a
> given amount of time regardless of the language.  Does anyone know
> anything about this study? (or is it a figment of my imagination? :-(
> I'm putting the final touches on my master's thesis comparing Python 
> and
> C++ solutions to a set of problems, so this information would be *very*
> helpful to me.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Jeffrey Elkner <jeff@elkner.net>