[Edu-sig] On and off-topic [was Re: Elegant copy-by-value]
Arthur" <ajs@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 08:03:26 -0500
Michael -
Can we at least then take this as an opportunity to discuss, as a community,
what if fact is and is not apporpriate here?
It seems to me, my bringing up technical issues I face as a novice developer
as to PyGeo, as I have, would be *more* inappropriate than discussing a
language addition that I, for one (and probably only one) , thinks has
importance to Python's suitablility as a learning language.
But I have from time to time let myself do just that. Because PyGeo is a
good faith effort to contribute to Python in education, and it seems to me
that at least some in the community with an interest in that specific issue
would have no objection to being helpful.
Guido was recently tremendously helpful.
In the past, when such a discussion looked like it was becoming more than a
post or two I in fact have specifcally volunteered to move the discussion
out and to tutor@python and was advised by at least one community member (a
prolific Python author), in one instance, that it was, at least as far as he
is concerned, unnecessary.
So I am somewhat confused.
A discussion of the div operator helped you, you said, identify an issue
you felt you should give more emphasis to in your initial presentation of
Python material.
Jason oftern keeps us up on things going on *outside* the world of Python.
Terribly inappropriate, by some measure, though I for one have alwys
appreciated his cites, and have, form time to time, become informed of
things I don't know how I didn't know were going on.
A new list member recently asked a question about the status of CP4E and its
future, and got no response. Proably becuase no one knows *how* to answer
that question.
But let me say it straight out - '
And I am more than ready (an fully expect) at this point to be booed off
the stage.
My true problem is that I consider PyGeo a serious enough effort in the CP4E
category, and I am not aware of many others of the kind, to have *earned* a
little latitiude on a list organized around that concept.