[Edu-sig] Where mathematics comes from
Kirby Urner
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 14:21:35 -0800
At 01:28 PM 1/26/2003 -0800, I wrote:
>One thing we can do in Python is produce successive factorials using a
>generator, because once we have 4!, why go back and start the multiplications
>all over just to get 5!. Just multiply 4! (which we already have) by
>5 fer gosh sakes.
Of course this argument applies equally well to the fact that we're
going x^0, x^1, x^2.... x^n, i.e. we should just hold on to the last
powering of x and multiply by x once again. No reason to start over.
This suggests a more specialized generator, which does the whole term,
in e^x's expansion, not just the factorial part. Also, we can cause
the generator to stop iterating after t terms, by passing this stop
value as a parameter:
(assuming the same import statements as before):
>>> def eterms(x,t):
n=0; result=1
if n == 0: yield 1 # moved this line out of the loop
while 1:
n += 1
if n > t: return # stop iterating
result *= x/n
yield result
>>> def polye2(x,t):
return reduce(add,[j for j in eterms(x,t)])
>>> polye2(3.45, 30) # note I reversed parameter order (I like this better)
>>> exp(3.45)
>>> polye2(1j*pi, 100) # again, *really really close* to -1