[Edu-sig] re: Where mathematics comes from
Arthur" <ajs@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:58:23 -0500
>But any script can be run from the shell, provided the code has a
>triggering key word, like run() or doit(). I'd like to be able
>to go something like:
> >>> from pygeo.examples import *
> >>> islamic6.run()
OK. For that PyCrust and IDLE should be at least equal.
But I do wonder. The question is whether IDLE (old, regular IDLE) closes
when you close islamic6. The single process issue that generally plagues
VPython scripts run in IDLE.
And how PyCrust behaves.
I'm totally dismantled now - testing installs with distutils, but I'll play
with both IDLE and PyCrust when I get re-mantled.
But the further enticing possiblity exists - and this is my
oblem/fault - that PyGeo could draw instance by instance as it is created
from the command line. Not normally something one would consider a
possiblity, but VPython does exactly that, and so it might just be a matter
of reconfiguring, or refiguring some PyGeo code. Maybe I could find a way
to toggle it into command line mode. I've thought about this before, but
haven't done much to attact it yet. Could be anything from quite simple, to
near impossible, to implement. I've narrowed it down that far ;).