[Edu-sig] re: TeachScheme
Kirby Urner
Fri, 18 Jul 2003 21:07:58 -0700
At 11:33 PM 7/18/2003 -0500, Arthur wrote:
>My recommendation is to include the recently released DrPython editor in the
>Shells and Editors section of the page. I make that recommend based on the
>fact that I have tried DrPython, and find it -as advertised - a clean and
>simple environment for teaching. We might then link to the stated
>inspiration of of DrPython, DrScheme of the TeachScheme project. The intent
>of DrPython clearly being imitation as a form of flattery/respect - as per
>Kirby's earlier point made.
>Net gain.
Good idea to include a link to DrPython. I'll add that on my
next revision. But I might leave the link to DrScheme for
the DrPython web page. He just needs to make that link live
(or the curious will just google).
On the other hand, PyGeo's makes mention of Cabri and Sketchpad.
I suppose I could make those live links as well. I see some
other stuff I could turn on too (SDL, wxWindows).
I'll give it some thought....
OK, done thinking. I'll add some new links next revision,
including to DrScheme under DrPython ( http://www.drscheme.org
-- only one more click to TeachScheme! from there)
Thanks again for the good suggestion.