[Edu-sig] re: Learning software for 10-13 year olds
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 13:16:16 -0400
Guido writes -
>My neighbor has asked me for some suggestions for educational software
>for her two boys, 10 and 13. She'd like them to get better computer
In my own case, as a child of 40, the availability of Linux became the
starting point of exploration below the most surface level of computers.
I consider myself an open source fan, not a zealot.
And would recommend she take a shot at a Linux install as a starting
point. RH9.0 is a breeze.
More to the point might be:
Debian Jr. Project
Debian for children from 1 to 99
catalogues a wide assortment of open source software (running on Linux)
aimed at education and children. She knows best what might appeal to
her children, so would recommed that she spend some time exploring the
resources catalogued there.