[Edu-sig] Some design patterns with iterators

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 13:06:48 -0800

The construct:

for i in collection:
    do something with i

is extremely common.  The collection is most simply a list or tuple,
but may in fact be any iterable object.  So the construct might be

for i in iterable:              # construct (1)
    do something with i

But how do we ensure that this is not an infinite loop?  I.e. the
collection returned by iterable may be inherently open-ended, e.g.
the sequence of fibonacci numbers 1 1 2 3 5 8 13...

A common modification to deal with such cases is:

for i in iterable:              # construct (2)
    if test(i): break
    do something with i

An alternative to the above is to return to the original construct (1),
but have the iterable become self-terminating.  The syntax:

iterable = iter(obj,sentinel)

uses the builtin iter() to compare a callable to a sentinel, and
stops iterating when they match.  So lets define an object that
returns the next fibonacci number whenever called, and which
internalizes a test, which, if positive, will return the sentinel

# iters.py

class Fib(object):
     def __init__(self,start=0,next=1,test=False,sentinel=-1):
         self.start    = start
         self.next     = next
         self.sentinel = sentinel
         self.test     = test
     def __call__(self):
         self.start,self.next = self.next, self.start + self.next
         if self.test(self.start): return self.sentinel
         return self.start

def t(x):
     """x > 1000"""
     return x > 1000

fibobj = Fib(test=t)
iterable = iter(fibobj,-1)
for i in iterable:
    print i,

If you run the above script you'll get a listing of Fibonacci numbers less than
or equal to 1000:

Sun 03/30/2003 11:57:21.79
D:\Program Files\Python22>python ./work/iters.py
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

Why go to all the trouble of passing in a test function, if we can simply set
a sentinel value to abort iteration?  The Fibonacci example suggests the 
we don't know in advance exactly what the collection will be (or think of
prime numbers), so we're not in a position to use a simple value to abort
iteration -- we need something like a comparison, or a more complicated set
of criteria, which is why we pass in a test.

A callable object, turned into an iterator by way of iter(), behaves much the
same as a generator object -- which objects may be functions.  The Fib object
might be rewritten as a generator, still accepting a test function as a

  >>> def fibfunc(test):
         data = [1,1]
         while not test(data[0]):
            yield data[0]
            data[0],data[1] = data[1],data[0]+data[1]

  >>> iterable = fibfunc(t)  # t is a test function
  >>> for i in iterable: print i,

  1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

In this case, fibfunc automatically returns an iterable.

What is the advantage of passing a test into an iterable, versus simply going
with construct (2)?   From a readability point of view, this approach has the
advantage of binding the test to the iterable at the time of definition.  The
same for-loop might handle lots of iterators, and needn't worry about which 
to use.  The test logically belongs with the iterator.

For example, let's modify iters.py (keeping original Fib object intact):

def testfunc(max):
     """a factory for test functions"""
     def t(x):
         return x > max
     t.__doc__ = "stop when x > %s" % max
     return t

t1 = testfunc(1000)
t2 = testfunc(5000)

def looper(iterable):
     # generic loop, doesn't worry about when to break
     for i in iterable:
         print i,

print t1.__doc__
print t2.__doc__

  >>> reload(iters)
  stop when x > 1000
  1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987
  stop when x > 5000
  1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181
  <module 'iters' from 'D:\Program Files\Python22\work\iters.py'>

In this case, the same test functions will work with the generator version.

  >>> iterable = fibfunc(t2)
  >>> for i in iterable: print i,

  1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

--- Kirby