[Edu-sig] the edu-sig page, again
Tue, 27 May 2003 10:18:12 -0400
>From this morning's python-list:
Date: 26 May 2003 22:32:57 -0700
From: pythonguy@Hotpop.com (Anand Pillai)
Subject: Re: State of Python
You might be right. When I talked about bookstores, I did not
include virtual bookstores. The best way to popularise a
language is to teach it in undergrad courses in engineering/science
colleges. It is not happening with python in India. From IIT Madras
where I graduated, they teach C/Delphi in introductory computer
science courses. Python seems to be making some inroads in
colleges teaching bioinformatics, as a competitor to Perl.
The assertion that "the best way to popularise a language is to teach it in
undergrad courses in enigineering/science" has, to me, 3 implications.
1) Python is in good stead. It is my feeling that it is in exactly this
realm where Python is likely to shine. I say "is likely to" because I have
not personally attended such a course. I am confident it does or/and could,
in practice.
2) For those who see Python's popularization as a mission, concentration of
efforts in this area should have clear and tangible effect, and therefore
some priority.
3) It would be sensible, in connection with efforts toward the
popularization of Python, for python.org to give focus to the promotion of
such activities - which makes the content of the edu-sig page - for those
who are interested in the popularization of Python - an important resource.
Which is why I am continue to try to instigate some discussion and some
activity in the rethinking of the design and content of the edu-sig page.
It's actually a quite significant piece of business, it seems to me - that
is at least for those interested in the popularization of Python.