[Edu-sig] Fw: [Visualpython-users] VPython and LiveZope

Nagarjuna G. nagarjun at hbcse.tifr.res.in
Fri Oct 3 12:24:48 EDT 2003

Arthur wrote:

> Nagarjuna writes:
>>The knoppix CD as well as the Freeduc, wich is based on the former, both
>>allow writes to disk by mounting the hardisk or removable disks with rw
>That solves that.
>>In India too we are creating a special CD for schools and colleges with
>>good selection of software.  Python and Zope needless to say will be
>>there.   We are also localizing some of the applications in  Indian
>Under what auspices?  How are the editorial decisions made?
Presently the project has no formal support, working mostly with moral 
support.  We are waiting to hear responses from different bodies 
including Indian Govt.   Final decisions will be based on community 
feedback.   The initial releases of the project will be under the 
auspices of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education 
(http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in) where I work.


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