[Edu-sig] Re: Design Pattern question

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Wed Oct 22 01:57:38 EDT 2003

> In the situation you describe I've taken several tactics.  One is to
> have a *single* global object to store preferences or other shared
> state.  Another is to pass the shared state around in one object that
> various parts of the system all have access to.

I've sort of gone with the single global object, but it's not really global,
it's an object in the base class which only the object's children
(subclasses) share and communicate through.

> And the Extreme Programming folks would preach YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna
> Need It).  There is a perception that globals are evil and should never
> be used, but a) python's namespaces already help protect from the worst
> aspects of globals (most 'globals' are really module-local), and b) if
> a program is small or one-off it doesn't make sense to overdesign it
> just to remove globals that won't effect anything.

Yes, globals and side effects are supposedly evil.  But then class methods
and variables are supposedly *not* evil.  So by making my "globals" live in
the mind of the parent class, I'm really just exploiting the power of

> My first drafts of programs are often littered with globals.  When I
> have a working version and want to add more utility, or reuse bits in
> another program, or find it growing to the point that the globals are
> getting in the way, I refactor them into a single object and use it as
> above.  But only after I find myself returning to the program again and
> again, so that I know the effort will be worth it.
> --Dethe

A good strategy.  Don't waste a lot of time polishing one-off code (or even
infrequently needed code) to make it text book perfect.  Life is short.


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