[Edu-sig] teaching Python

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Tue Nov 23 15:13:54 CET 2004

Kirby writes - 
> FYI, Gamemaker does expose a coding layer that requires some Java-like
> programming.  It also does a lot out of the box at the click and drag
> level
> -- then you can see what you've wrought in terms of code (the palette-
> driven
> GUI design motif, applied to dynamic interfaces).

I've confessed to appreciating click and drag SQL statement creation, as
long as I can see and edit the result.  Sounds like this is in the same
ballpark.  And while doing more and more of my SQL statements in straight
text at this point in the game, I'll reluctantly confess that I probably
wouldn't have gotten to where I am with this were not some gentle interface
available to help me to make the transition. 

I think this recent article on the "IDE Divide" may have some relevance


> My approach to teaching Python is to mix it with a different knowledge
> domain, but not GUI game making (not that I have any problem with PyGame,
> but that's not so friendly to newbies as GameMaker).
> I lean towards using mathematics as my place to cut new programming teeth.
> At first glance, that sounds like a real turn off.  Doesn't it just take
> the
> fun out of programming to tie it to a boulder like math, and throw it off
> a
> bridge.  We just sink to the bottom, right?  But look at it this way:
> they
> want you to learn quite a bit of math *anyway* (the boulder is a given)
> and
> approaching the stuff while learning Python makes the math more fun.  In
> other words *given* math is important, Python has way more to offer in the
> fun department than just graphing calculators.

As I think you know, I like your approach. 

Going further, I find it difficult to justify any general emphasis on
programming as a general subject area *except* to the extent that it is
considered, and used as, a skill that is leveraged to enhance other
fundamental curricula goals.

Mathematics is the sensible starting point.

The "we are giving kids the skills to organize their CD collections"
argument that I've heard more than once, doesn't cut it, as far as I am

> I think of PyGeo is fitting somewhere in between these two extremes. 

I appreciate you saying that.  Because I have become a great fan of the
middle road.  And if you feel PyGeo reflects that, I'm glad.

Though there is nothing sexy about the middle road, I've already sown my
oats.  How many years of being sexy could I stand ? ;)


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