[Edu-sig] Developments on the Urner front

ajsiegel at optonline.net ajsiegel at optonline.net
Thu Oct 14 22:19:41 CEST 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: Kirby Urner <urnerk at qwest.net>
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:14 pm
Subject: [Edu-sig] Developments on the Urner front

>> The other thing:  I'm developing a "numeracy text" which 
> demonstrates how
> I'd like to see things weaving together in the early years (this 
> text might
> start to be relevant in 8th grade or so -- depends on the kid 
> obviously).  

I haven't read through it all, but initial impression is a wish that you might generalize a bit more. That is, de-emphasize "numbers", without de-emphasing mathematics. I think the concept that numbers are one, but only one, manifestestion of mathematical ideas/truths is something that should be communicated earlier, and more clearly. And that computers are important, both in making the manipulation of numbers trivial, and facilitating an approach that allows folks to understand that math is not numbers, and numbers is not math. 

It was only when I was able to decouple (in my mind) mathematics from numbers that math became truly interesting to me. 

I also think that this approach allows a more natural utilization of computer graphic capacities to enliven an approach to mathematics.

Like all of us, I try to envision what might have best reached me when I was of the age that you are trying to reach. And rely on a sense that there is nothing particularly unusual about my own particular sensibilities in these matters.



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