[Edu-sig] Python Programming: Procedural Online Test
Scott Durkin
sdurkin at psdschools.org
Tue Dec 6 03:04:16 CET 2005
Could it be argued that the goal be for all students to score 100% on the
desired content?
Rodrigo Senra said:
> On 5Dec 2005, at 7:50 AM, damon bryant wrote:
>> One of the main reasons I decided to use an Item Response Theory (IRT)
>> framework was that the testing platform, once fully operational,
>> will not
>> give students questions that are either too easy or too difficult
>> for them,
>> thus reducing anxiety and boredom for low and high ability students,
>> respectively. In other words, high ability students will be
>> challenged with
>> more difficult questions and low ability students will receive
>> questions
>> that are challenging but matched to their ability.
> So far so good...
>> Each score is on the same scale, although some students will not
>> receive the same questions. This is the beautiful thing!
> I'd like to respectfully disagree. I'm afraid that would cause more
> harm than good.
> One side of student evaluation is to give feedback *for* the
> students. That is a
> relative measure, his/her performance against his/her peers.
> If I understood correctly the proposal is to give a "hard"-A for some
> and an "easy"-A
> for others, so everybody have A's (A=='good score'). Is that it ?
> That sounds like
> sweeping the dirt under the carpet. Students will know. We have to
> prepare them to
> tackle failure as well as success.
> I do not mean such efforts are not worthy, quite the reverse. But I
> strongly disagree
> with an adaptive scale. There should be a single scale fro the whole
> spectre of tests.
> If some students excel their results must show this, as well as if
> some students perform
> poorly that should not be hidden from them. Give them a goal and the
> means to pursue
> their goal.
> If I got your proposal all wrong, I apologize ;o)
> best regards,
> Senra
> Rodrigo Senra
> ______________
> rsenra @ acm.org
> http://rodrigo.senra.nom.br
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S c o t t J. D u r k i n
Computer Science |||| Preston Junior High
sdurkin at psdschools.org |||| http://staffweb.psdschools.org/sdurkin
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