[Edu-sig] Python programming challenge

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Wed Jun 1 08:16:06 CEST 2005

Here's a good assignment for those wanting to test their Python skills:

Consider the paper and pencil algorithm for finding the square root of a
number as described in detail here, by means of a worked example:


Write a Python generator that yields one more digit of the square root of n,
given n as its argument.  Optionally ignore placement of any decimal points.

Feel free to use more than one function, but have root2 be the top-level

In other words, your code might output something like this during testing:

 >>> r = root2(297504)
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()
 >>> r.next()

And so on, indefinitely (memory a constraint).


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