[Edu-sig] K-16 CS/math hybrid

Chuck Allison chuck at freshsources.com
Mon May 9 21:06:34 CEST 2005

aon> Part of my hysteria here - for those who have been long-timers to the
aon> list and therefore to my hysterias - has been in sensing some effort
aon> on the part of the Python community as positioning Python as the
aon> tool to take the rigor out of a programming curricula.

aon> And wanting no part of it.

aon> IMO:

aon> a) it doesn't
aon> b) it shouldn't

aon> But certainly it *can* redirect a rigorous approach into more 
aon> productive channels than other alternatives:

aon> IMO:

aon> a) it can
aon> b) it should

Agreed. I currently teach Python in a senior-level Programming
Languages class - we stand in awe of its intelligent design. That's
the beauty of Python (as we all know) - it is easy to learn and use,
yet keeps the most rigorous expert interested and excited forever.

Best regards,

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