[Edu-sig] Low Enrollments - programming as anti-intellectualism

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Sat Nov 5 00:23:08 CET 2005

> Sounds expensive.

Video production is amenable to open source techniques i.e. centralized
databases with individual designers doing edit/recombine, re-uploading,
building off one another's efforts.

Anyway "expensive" just means "lots of paying work for people" so what's so
bad about that?  Health care is expensive too.  So 're bombers (even minus
the cost of rebuilding what they demolish).

> Seems to me that you need to provide evidence of the effectiveness of your
> Classroom, before asking for adoption at beyond a guinea pig level.
> Which I understand is a lot to ask.

I regard my "movie clip culture" as a semi-inevitable consequence of
generations growing up taking TV for granted, plus falling costs of the
production equipment.

This kind of experimentation with more animations is going on all over the
place 24/7.

Obviously this is not a new idea or original with me.  

I'm just applying some very high level management techniques (VHLMT),
bringing already existing projects to the surface in an open source context
(= playground).

Or is "open source" just a buzzword here? Like, if I share a cartoon on
ClipForge.com with the understanding that anyone is welcome to splice it in,
doctor it in some way, that's one thing -- but what if I don't share the
techniques behind it?  How open is that?

> But...
> It sounds expensive.
> And...
> Most of these kinds of initiatives have not been able to stand up to any
> kind of rigorous approach to assessing their effectiveness.

A statement made with no citations or bibliographic references.  I'm to take
this assertion on faith?

> It seems that the answer has been that if we ignore this fact
> stubbornly enough, it somehow goes away.

The assertion now becomes a fact.

> Or - where I think we are going - get the instituional support for a
> redesign of our tests until we get the answers we are looking for.
> This guinea pig will continue to squeal (or squeak ;)) like a pig in
> the face of that.

More effective would be to give us some cool DVD clips using Pygeo.  How can
we turn your demo of Pascal's whatever into an MPEG or DivX file?  In the
case of Struck (elastic interval geometry Java app), the answer was POV-Ray
-> many frames -> AVI -> MPEG.

> Doesn't mean that your approach cannot be effective.  But those of us
> paying attention will continue to press the issue of evidence (and its
> interpreatation), particularly in light of what evidence there so far has
> been.
> Art

What evidence again?

Note:  for a sample of my curriculum writing, with embedded "links for
animators" see:


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