[Edu-sig] A python teaching success
Kevin Driscoll
driscollkevin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 05:18:40 CEST 2006
Thanks again for sharing your work. I plan to do the same and it is a struggle!
It sounds like you are using a Python + Logo setup. Is it PyLogo?
On 7/31/06, james at dis-dot-dat.net <james at dis-dot-dat.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jul, 2006 at 11:04PM +0100, Michael spake thus:
> > Hi James,
> >
> > I'd like to second the request to see what your syllabus looks like. This is
> > partly because whilst I work in BBC R&D, I'm currently looking to build a
> > collaboration with Manchester University (I went to university there, and by
> > chance they're doing work that meshes with my research area), and there's
> > been questions of Python's accessibility.
> >
> > If you're willing to share more details about your course, lesson plan and
> > notes, I'm sure there's other places that would be really interested...
> Sorry. I did try, and messed it up. I assumed the list did reply-to
> munging, stupidly, when it doesn't. So, the parent post got a private
> reply which I'm copy/pasting here, with some more info.
> %These first two lectures use the turtle from the interpreter. We
> %start setting the scene for later ideas, such as functions and loops,
> %by pointing out the limitations of typing out all of the commands to
> %draw a spiral, say.
> \item [Lecture 1] Getting Started.
> \item [Lecture 2] Python Basics.
> \item [Lecture 3] Boolean Algebra.
> \item [Lecture 4] Choice.
> \item [Lectures 5-6] Repetition: Recursion.
> %By now, they're drawing koch and dragon curves
> \item [Lecture 7] Repetition: Iteration.
> \item [Lecture 8] State.
> \item [Lectures 9-10] Compound Types.
> \item [Lecture 11-12] Searching and Sorting.
> %They have seen functions already, but they were introduced without
> %fuss, so they never felt threatened by them. Now they hear a lot more
> \item [Lecture 13-14] Functions and Modules.
> \item [Lecture 15] Input / Output.
> \item [Lectures 16-18] Object Oriented Python.
> \item [Lectures 19-20] Python Extensions.
> % And by now, they're writing games. Frogger, space invaders,
> % allsorts. The number of students that have become engrossed with
> % programming at this point is unheard of at Coventry. Whole clusters
> % of people appreciating each others' code.
> %% Plus two extra lectures on language transfer
> Sorry it's in LaTeX markup, but it made it clear where comments end
> and lecture topics begin.
> > Best Regards (and congrats on the review!)
> Thanks!
> James
> > Michael.
> >
> > On Monday 31 July 2006 13:42, james at dis-dot-dat.net wrote:
> > > Hi all.
> > >
> > > This last academic year, we used Python for the first time in our
> > > introductory programming modules.
> > >
> > > This is in place of Java (horrible first language, IMNSHO).
> > >
> > > It went VERY well. We've just had our external examiner's report
> > > and I got so excited, I blogged it and then ran here to yell about
> > > it.
> > >
> > > http://blog.dis-dot-dat.net/2006/07/we-officially-rock.html
> > >
> > > :)
> > >
> > > James
> > >
> > >
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