[Edu-sig] slashdot: Teaching Primary School Students Programming?
Andreas Raab
andreas.raab at gmx.de
Mon Aug 28 19:39:11 CEST 2006
Arthur wrote:
> The problem might be the "progress" of Logo since 1983.
Try this on for size:
I saw a demo last week and there is definitely some serious potential in it.
- Andreas
> When I go to:
> http://el.media.mit.edu/Logo-foundation/logo/programming.html
> I see the potential of Logo in introducing kids to programming
> abstraction. One types within the framework of a defined syntax, and
> gets immediate results, or informative errors.
> When I take the next step and look at major current implementations - I
> downloaded StarLogo and NetLogo - I am confronted with Logo environments
> with lots of GUI doo-dads. And lots of ambiguity about the purpose of
> this environment. Is its primary focus to introduce programming, or to
> explore computer simulations for the benefit of what it is the
> simulations teach us. There *is* a fundamental difference.
> It is hard for me not to describe these environments as
> "self-involved". That is always the problem with these kinds of
> environments - to me. One, in some sense, must "submit" to them, with a
> promise of rewards if one does so. But the kids most likely to excell
> at Logo are, IMO, also the ones least likely to be the ones comfortable
> with submitting to an imposed (not selected) environment.
> The solution is simple - simplicity, less environment.
> Why is this obvious to me, and lost on the MIT folks?
> Art
>> --- "Paul D. Fernhout" <pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com>
>> wrote:
>> http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/27/000248
>>> Teaching Primary School Students Programming?
>>> Posted by Cliff on Saturday August 26, @08:25PM
>> >from the toddlers-as-coders dept.
>>> Education Programming
>>> NotesSensei asks: "Recently I was teasing the
>>> teacher who runs the
>>> computer club in my sons' primary school: 'You teach
>>> the kids only how to
>>> use software but not how to make software.' Today I
>>> got an email: 'OK,
>>> you're in: teach them programming.' Now I wonder
>>> what language should I
>>> pick? My first lesson will be the board game c-jump,
>>> but after that? The
>>> contestants are: Kids programming language KPL (ab
>>> VB.net derivate; Java
>>> using BlueJ; Greenfoot (and the BlueJ); and HTML.
>>> Does it sound like I'm
>>> on the right track or should I try something
>>> completely different? We are
>>> looking at primary 3-5 (that's 10-13 in this part of
>>> the world). Where can
>>> I find inspiration for the curriculum?"
>>> ===
>>> Python is mentioned there, along with a lot of other
>>> suggestions.
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