[Edu-sig] More on wxPython

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 02:41:42 CEST 2006

I meant to mention, speaking of wx and its second-banana status in
Pata**2:  I snarfed up Robin's and Noel's 'wxPython in Action' @
Powell's Technical today, paying full retail.  I read Robin's intro
and just got hooked again.  It really is a powerful system.

Sometimes I get all starry eyed dreaming about elegance, and turn my
back on every working option available.  But what's so elegant about
pining for some end-of-the-rainbow GUI development system.  How about
all the hours in the meantime, until it gets here, what should I do
with them?  wxPython is definitely worth exploring.

I also bought the latest Make: did I mention?  Mostly for Tara (lots
of robots in this issue). Oh yeah, mentioned that over on Math Forum
again [1]. Tensegrity is a math topic, handled in Elastic Interval
Geometry for example (already well developed and sometimes a topic in
my Pythonic math classes @ psu.saturdayacademy, even though most the
open source isn't in Python).[2]  The link to my site is on pg. 105.


[1]  http://mathforum.org/kb/message.jspa?messageID=4867776
[2]  http://www.darwinathome.org/

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