[Edu-sig] Recanting

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Mon Jul 24 15:44:32 CEST 2006

kirby urner wrote:

>OK, so a few posts back I talked about moving away from writing
>Pythonic math and heading for the green fields of television.
>Certainly I've taken that tack in my blog some, but I can't stop
>myself with the gnu math writing.
I would actually love to see an "American Masters" kind of documentary 
about Fuller. For most of us going to primary sources to understand what 
Fuller is about is not an option.  Talk about presuming an interested 
reader! The underlying subject matter of Fuller seems to be, in one way 
or other, Fuller.  The writing is extremely self-referential. "As I said 
in Book XYZ..." - no longer any need to go into further detail, we have 
Book XYZ  at our fingertips if not committed to memory. He goes a step 
further than presuming interested readers, and presumes devotees.

Let's assume that he had it right, and that is the only way available to 
him to get his message out, and that his inner voice telling him who he 
was was not on the fritz.

What one tends to get on the web are signs of devotion, and disjointed 
pieces of his ideas.

In this case some somersaults are probably necessary to generate 
interest in Fuller.  An in this case a documentary drawing on archival 
fottage, interviews with known quantity thinkers who can speak to his 
importance, and a debunker or two for balance, would be quite 
interesting, and I think find an audience.

Would give a lot better context to your Python math, which I find to be 
a bit disjointed in focusing on, absent the Fuller context, what seems 
like a relatively unimportant mathematical brooklet.


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