[Edu-sig] Recanting

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Mon Jul 24 20:51:08 CEST 2006

kirby urner wrote:

> On 7/24/06, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried to hook people in by talking for hours and hours, in public
> He did, not I.
> I'm more focused on television, and splicing in the relevant geometry
> clips.  Fuller wanted people to develop "mind's eye" capabilities so
> sometimes skimped on the visuals (I recall his talk at Hunter College
> where the assistants started bringing colorful polyhedra onstage and
> he waved them back into the wings, saying something like "no, not yet,
> make them use their brains").

Like that, and relevant to my earlier post as to my (in)ability to "see" 
the  working of  certain principles of geometry  which led me to the 
building of PyGeo - and the fact that I see *builiding* it as an act of 
the imagination, the need to do so in some sense a failure of the 


> Kirby

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