[Edu-sig] [edupython] News about turtle graphics
Vern Ceder
vceder at canterburyschool.org
Fri Jun 23 16:47:15 CEST 2006
Well done! xturtle.py is a truly impressive re-implementation and
enhancement. I ran all of the demos without problems on a Linux (Ubuntu
Dapper) machine and was very impressed with the speed, as well as the
number, variety and quality of the demos.
I would certainly think that (after testing ;) ) xturtle might replace
the current turtle.py. I had also been thinking about what would be
involved in porting turtle.py to Jython and your refactoring makes that
a much more appealing possibility.
I saw that you were presenting at EuroPython - best of luck with that
presentation. I'll be presenting on Python programming at NECC, a
national educational computing conference, on July 7, so if you don't
mind I will mention xturtle then.
One final thought - even though the file is large, I would consider
including at least some demo code in the file itself. Maybe it's just
me, but I like the idea of being able to demo the module even if it gets
separated from all other files in the package. Things like that can
happen. :)
Gregor Lingl wrote:
> Hi educators!
> One of the hardest problems I've encountered upto now
> is to decide, when a piece of software is ready to be
> be published.
> I've decided, that my new turtle graphics module ready
> now. A package, which additionally contains some
> example scripts. a tiny demoViewer and some documentation
> can be downloaded from:
> http://ada.rg16.asn-wien.ac.at/~python/xturtle
> From now on it's the user community, which will largely
> determine the future development of the module. I hope
> that it will grow to more than one user (which is me)
> soon. (*) And I'm willing to continue development (preferably
> in cooperation with others) until it's considered a really
> useful tool by the community.
> In my opinion it should replace the current turtle.py in
> the standard distribution. We will see if others join
> me in this respect ...
> (Please note, that xturtle.py is a complete reimplementation
> of what I've shown to you some ten weeks ago.)
> For now I'll not write too much about it, but ask you for
> feedback and contributions to a discussion about the module.
> (You'll find some more information on the webpage mentioned
> above!)
> However, I'll give a talk at Europython 2006 on July 5th about:
> xturtle - an extended turtle module for Python as a vehicle
> for teaching programming concepts.
> For this, too, your feedback will be welcome. And you'll get
> back the slides of the talk ;-)
> Regards,
> Gregor Lingl
> (*) This hope seems reasonable since I intend to use it in
> the forthcoming 2nd edition of "Python für Kids"
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This time for sure!
-Bullwinkle J. Moose
Vern Ceder, Director of Technology
Canterbury School, 3210 Smith Road, Ft Wayne, IN 46804
vceder at canterburyschool.org; 260-436-0746; FAX: 260-436-5137
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