[Edu-sig] Setting a variable's value

Winston Wolff winstonw at stratolab.com
Thu May 11 15:24:33 CEST 2006

I'm considering a proposal for Python 3000 and want to get some other  
opinions.  I propose adding an alternative syntax for assigning a  
value to a variable so that the Python statement:
	a = 1
could also be written:
	a := 1
The reason is to help students who are familiar with the Algebraic  
meaning of "a = 1" (a is always equal to one) and get confused when  
the Python meaning of "a = 1" (put the value of one into the variable  

I teach middle and high-school students who are learning Algebra at  
the same time as Python, and it is very confusing to them when the  
same symbols mean two subtly different things.  I would propose that  
the second syntax (a := 1), be available so that I could introduce  
that in the first semester course.  Later, once they understood the  
meaning of "a := 1", they could switch the shorter syntax "a = 1".

Any opinions?


winston wolff - (646) 827-2242 - http://www.stratolab.com
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