[Edu-sig] Compatibility and legacy in language evolution

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Sun Sep 10 02:03:05 CEST 2006

Op za, 09-09-2006 te 13:49 -0700, schreef Radenski, Atanas:
> Bjarne Stroustrup was educated in the Simula tradition and recognized
> the benefits of objects, so he decided to improve C by adding objects.
> Most notably, Stroustrup preferred compatible design in his transition
> from C to C++. Indeed, C programs are C++ programs as well.

That's not true and mr. Stroustrups own books explain how and why; even
basic C programs might be invalid as C++ programs (or they work
different in C than in C++, which is even worse).

Jan Claeys

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