[Edu-sig] The fate of raw_input() in Python 3000

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 04:52:32 CEST 2006

On 9/12/06, Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yet, I think it is a mistake to remove it (as I have stated before).
> To those that disagree, I would ask: how do you propose in concrete
> terms (not pie-in-the-sky) to replace Zelle`s book, Dawson's book and
> How to think like a computer scientist, once raw_input() has
> disappeared from Python built-ins?   Where`s the textbook?
> André

The computer book industry thrives on changes obsoleting earlier books.

Change is what publishers like O'Reilly expect and/or like about this
fast moving industry, so I wouldn't worry.  Lots of job security.

Teachers bring their own biases to their teachings.

For me, it's always been about building within languages that offer an
interactive command line (APL, dBase/VFP... Python, J).  I've saved
lots of autobio, to help make my influences obvious (in case anyone
cares to know).

I'm sorry if I was giving the impression I'm telling other
professionals how to do their jobs.

More, I'm not expecting others to change, just because I wrote
something in an obscure archive.  People will keep doing what they do.
 One or two might experiment with my recommended approach, maybe a few

I likewise experiment with ideas others share here, incorporate them
into by bag of tricks.

I want my gnu math teachers to blend a functional approach to Python
and ordinary algebra, to create a tastey healthy brew, suitable for
enjoying a Silicon Forest lifestyle -- a namespace others elsewhere
may find valuable and import.

Our world is like this (and I'm sorry about that first line -- left
over from a post to Synergeo of earlier today (29094 Re: Polytopes)):

IDLE 1.2b2
>>> "not his kissing butt".replace("his kissing","kissing his")
'not kissing his butt'

>>> def f(x):  return x ** 2

>>> def g(x):  return x + 7

>>> def compose(fa, fb):
	def fc(x):
		return fa(fb(x))
	return fc

>>> f(10)
>>> g(10)
>>> h = compose(f,g)
>>> h(10)
>>> k = compose(g,f)
>>> k(10)

Not waiting for textbooks.  Just using the web.


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