[Edu-sig] creating an interface vs. using one (Michel Paul)

Jason Cunliffe jasonic at nomadics.org
Sun Sep 24 18:58:25 CEST 2006

> Making both those statements by the inclusion of vpython-like 
> functionality in the standard distribution is to me a business decision, 
> and a good one.

Well if you are looking for a good business decision then *please* 
specify and work to compile an uber-useful LiveCD Edu-Sig distro with 
all the math-edu-geo goodies...

That way you avoid conflicts and friction. This distro is free to 
promote, develop and demonstrate a __range__ of tools covering a range 
of tastes, philosophies, needs and competences on one disk [package, 
torrent, ISO, pick your medium].

Install tested and run on existing 'puters [WinXp etc without any 
collateral damage]
It can include brave new 21st century alternative OS curriculae.
Then When If it is a obvious success, don't be surprised that the 
default standard distribution sensibly absorbs the relevant parts someday.
Pioneers always lead administrations and institutions right?


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