[Edu-sig] snakes ad infinitum

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 18:52:35 CEST 2007

> Anyone need a talk topic?
> http://www.google.com/search?q=CP4E+prosumer
> -Dean


I followed this link and ended up at
which coincidentally is my new ISP
for 4dsolutions.net.

Digitalspace.net was taken over by
Jumpline.com during OSCON which
(a) screwed up my /presentations
directory just when I wanted to
share contents (b) stopped popping
source code when browsers clicked
on .py files at Oregon Curriculum
Network (c) broke the source code
colorizor (py2html + PyFontify)
(d) broke my cgi scripts around
the MySQL geoquiz demo and
(e) broke an old Python blog I
keep around for historical purposes

Engineers were making very very
slow progress on my trouble tickets,
telling me to "just be patient"  whereas
at webfaction the on-line documentation
showed me how to restore the .py file
functionality I wanted, gave me easy
access to all the Pythons (2.2, 2.3,
2.5...), whereas jumpline was saying
Python 2.5 would be impossible to
come by.

Yes, it costs a little more, but it's well
worth the extra.  For the same price
I could be using Django or Zope.  But
for my purposes, static HTML with a
little cgi is all I need for now, at least
for this particular domain (not my one
and only).



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