[Edu-sig] Movies anyone?

David Reed dreed at capital.edu
Thu Dec 20 15:51:18 CET 2007

On Dec 20, 2007, at 12:55 AM, kirby urner wrote:

> I'm wondering if anyone is using, or thinking of using, this imdbpy to
> give students an early appreciation for the power of an open source
> Python package, to deliver relevant movie-related information.
> Cut and pasting (excerpting) from
> http://imdbpy.sourceforge.net/docs/README.users.txt, the scripts look
> like this (if you've not used imdb:  every movie, actor etc. is tagged
> with a number):
> $ get_movie.py 0133093

<results snipped>

> I've written my own screen scraper for imdb (probably wrote about it
> here, don't remember), but it never performed satisfactorily.  Used it
> with one Saturday Academy class as a part of my intro.  At least
> useful for explaining what "screen scraper" means.  Imdbpy would be
> more impressive I think, also better than the xml-rpc script we played
> with at Winterhaven (8th grade, write-up at my site).

You can download ASCII files with the info from imdb.com.


I use this for an assignment to play the Kevin Bacon game when  
studying graph algorithms. I have a couple Python scripts I wrote to  
massage the data into a format better suited for that assignment. I  
also remove movies containing "bad words" - IMDB contains "adult  
movies" (I found that out after one of my students looked through the  
file - fortunately it was a student who was not offended).

Before using scripts that scrape their website, I would read:


IANAL, but that seems to indicate screen scraping of their website is  
not allowed. Using the ASCII files for personal use is allowed, but  
you are not allowed to redistribute them.


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