[Edu-sig] arthur siegel has passed away

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Fri Feb 2 15:05:16 CET 2007


I just read your note. I am sorry to hear about the death of Arthur.

I enjoyed conversing with Arthur via email. We didn't always agree (who 
does?), but he made a lot of great points and I learned much from reading 
his writing, including looking back on is contributions for years in the 
edusig archives. Arthur had many thought provoking things to say, and I am 
glad he took the time to say them and contribute to a large discussion on 
computers and education. We were certainly in broad general agreement 
about the value of learning and a desire to make the learning experience 
as good a one as possible for as many people as possible.

Arthur may not have had the publicly-recognized "star" quality of some in 
the computer field (including some whom he critiqued here on the edusig 
list), but "the woods would be very quiet if no bird sang there but the 
one judged best". Arthur's was an important voice in the wilderness of 
technology, and it saddens me that I will no longer be able to get his 
perspective on new technology issues as they arise.

Arthur made a positive contribution to education with PyGeo (and I'm sure 
other things, including his writings to edusig, the archive of which will 
hopefully continue to echo his voice for a long time to come). I am glad 
PyGeo is hosted at SourceForge and so will also continue to be available 
to learners as a monument to Arthur's dedication and caring and generosity 
and love of learning and love of Geometry.

One of the most insightful things Arthur wrote to edusig recently was:
: One theme that seems to run through discussions here is related to this
: issue. Is it the educators' mission to find just the right motivational
: buttons and push them just right ???  Or rather focus on responding
: appropriately to those who come to the learning process with some
: critical mass level of  motivation???
: It seems to be one of the fault lines, in some of the discussions here.

It was a great insight into the nature of education and the soul of the 
educator and the learner. It is an insight I still need to reflect on 
more, along with his other writings.

Arthur will be missed. Whatever the nature of the great Geometric mystery 
beyond the end of life in this world, I wish him well.

Again, my condolences in this difficult time for you and the rest of his 

--Paul Fernhout

Arthur wrote:
> We wanted to inform anyone familiar with Arthur Siegel's work with PyGeo 
> that Arthur passed away on Tuesday.  Anyone interested in more 
> information can email his sister at bethsiegel at rcn.com.  The funeral 
> will be at 12:00 at the Riverside Memorial Chapel, 21 West Broad Street 
> in Mount Vernon New York.

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