[Edu-sig] Interactive Tkinter graphics under IDLE

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 00:32:44 CET 2007

> > 3) It is object-oriented, confusing students with the combination
> > of regularFunctions() and object.methods(). I'd just as soon avoid
> > this if possible.

In my course, we go to the object model very early, on the assumption
that OO is Python's paradigm.  But we're not doing a formal CS0, so
aren't a puzzle piece in someone's larger grand scheme of things.

The way we introduce OO is demonstrated in my "classes and subclasses"
screencast here:


I also much prefer VPython to Tk for doing intro level graphics (not that it
has to be either/or -- Tk is better for widgets (which I wouldn't touch
OO already established)).

As for what windows open in front of what, seems to me if the windows
are small to begin with it's not a big deal to click on the one you want to
have focus, but I guess I'm not understanding your real problem.

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