[Edu-sig] Python outside computer science

Peter Bowyer peter at mapledesign.co.uk
Tue Feb 13 11:26:36 CET 2007

At 06:46 13/02/2007, kirby urner wrote:
>Flash forward:  have you seen O'Reilly's 'Head First' series and
>its use of icons, sidebars, jokes, diagrams, different type faces,
>more icons?  Way more "right brained" than traditional CS books,
>by a long shot, but just as technical and deep (into Java mostly).
>We've asked Tim about a "Head First" about Python, but the
>word back, at least then, was we had too small a footprint as
>a nation (he has these publisher maps he projects at OSCON)
>to merit such a sophisticated and expensive undertaking.  We
>all still dream of it though.

Is there anything to stop us/someone copying this style of book, and 
producing one for Python?


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