[Edu-sig] Ditch "self"?
Dethe Elza
delza at livingcode.org
Wed Oct 24 06:42:38 CEST 2007
to assign a function to an instance object (rather than a class) as a
new method, use the "new" module:
===== start module prototype.py ======
Example of adding methods to an instance object and a class
import new
class Foo(object):
def bar(self):
print 'bar', self.__class__
# outside of class Foo, define some functions to turn into methods:
def baz(self):
print 'baz', self.__class__
def foobar(self):
print 'foobar', self.__class__
# make some instances
a = Foo()
b = Foo()
# make baz a method of Foo, both a and b should be able to call it
Foo.baz = baz
print 'baz:', Foo.baz
# make foobar a method of a, calling b.foobar should fail
a.foobar = new.instancemethod(foobar, a, a.__class__)
print 'foobar:', a.foobar
b.foobar() # fails
===== end of module ======
and when you run it:
$ python prototype_based.py
baz: <unbound method Foo.baz>
baz <class '__main__.Foo'>
baz <class '__main__.Foo'>
foobar: <bound method Foo.foobar of <__main__.Foo object at 0x75990>>
foobar <class '__main__.Foo'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "prototype_based.py", line 42, in <module>
b.foobar() # fails
AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'foobar'
More info: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-new.html
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