[Edu-sig] Random example, early college charter...

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 22:03:48 CEST 2008

TECC prototype:

4D Puzzler:  Egg Hunt

The following namespace has been defined:

class Egg:

    def __init__(self, thething):
	self.__secret_prize = thething

    def prize(self):
        return self.__secret_prize

egg = Egg("********")

struct = ( [ ( { 'a' : 1 }, { 2: 'a'} ), { ('a') : [ ] } , ] , [ {3 : egg} ] )

Now reach into struct using indexing to get the
secret contents of the egg, using a one line

One possible answer:

>>> struct[1][0][3].prize


>>> struct[1][0][3]._Egg__secret_prize


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