[Edu-sig] Sticky-note Analogy

David MacQuigg macquigg at ece.arizona.edu
Thu May 8 19:48:40 CEST 2008

At 11:05 AM 5/8/2008 -0400, John Posner wrote:

>> The sticky-note analogy has a flaw.  You can't stick one note on top 
>> of another.  When you say x = y = z, all three variables now point to 
>> the object originally pointed to by z.  Then when you say y = 8,
>> y now points to an integer object 8, but x doesn't move with y.   
>> Python's "sticky notes" have a special glue that sticks only to an 
>> object, not to another variable.
>IMHO it's not a flaw, but a blessing. Extending the "sticky notes" analogy
>by referring to "special glue" is a very intuitive way to explain the
>language feature you describe above -- assigning then reassigning "y". You
>might not like that language feature, but don't place the blame on the

I too was a little uncomfortable with the wording of this paragraph, but I think it isn't the first sentence that needs revision.  We really *don't want* to stick one note on top of another, as the second sentence might imply.  Here is a suggested revision:  
The sticky-note analogy has a small flaw.  If you put one note on top of another, they both move together, and that is not what happens in Python.  When you say x = y = 0, both variables now point to an integer object with value 0.  Then when you say y = 8, y now points to another object, but x doesn't move with y.  Python's "sticky notes" have a special glue that sticks only to 
an object, not to another variable.

>>  In the classroom we take this a step further and start using a
>>  second color post-it note to start laying the framework for the
>>  concept of namespaces.   If we had been using yellow notes for the
>>  names in the caller's context, we start using green notes for names
>>  in the local namespace of the function.
>Excellent! And you could also use multiple sticky-note colors (or multiple
>shapes -- they exist, too) to introduce the concept of typed variables.
>Switching for a moment to that other thread ("Introducing Python at our
>community college"), I don't think that anyone mentioned using "assert" to
>implement typed variables. Example:
>    def myfunc(stringparm, listparm, intparm):
>        """
>        function with typed parameters,
>        courtesy of "assert"
>        """
>        # check parameter types
>        assert type(stringparm) is type('abc')
>        assert type(listparm) is type(['a', 'b'])
>        assert type(intparm) is type(123)
>        # do the work
>        print "All OK"
>        return
>    # ------------------------------------------
>    >>> f.myfunc('a', range(3), 44)
>    All OK
>    >>> f.myfunc(range(3), 44, 'a')
>    Traceback (most recent call last):
>      File "c:\temp\<string>", line 1, in <module>
>      File "c:\temp\f.py", line 6, in myfunc
>        assert type(stringparm) is type('abc')
>    AssertionError:

The idiom I prefer is  
assert isinstance(stringparm, str) 
assert isinstance(m, MegaList) 
This allows the argument to be a subclass, not just a perfect match.  Allowing subclasses is usually what you want.

-- Dave

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