[Edu-sig] Sticky-note Analogy

Mark Tolonen metolone+gmane at gmail.com
Fri May 9 18:21:19 CEST 2008

"kirby urner" <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:f604188c0805090730v2163d12dw9970fcf4b96220ac at mail.gmail.com...
> I've suggesting seeing 8 as a name only briefly, temporary gestalt
> switch, then go back to seeing it as a literal, kind of like a name
> in that you can do dot notation on it, i.e. there's an underlying
> object that's responsive to these triggers (like 8 .__add__(5)
> instead of just 8 + 5).  But is the underlying object "anonymous"?
> It has a memory location:
>>>> id(8)
> 12015636
>>>> id('8')
> 13259744
> And I'm able to refer to it.  I didn't make up a name for it, like
> eight, because I didn't need to, it's already permanently
> accessible through 8.

Numbers are just language syntax to create objects.  If they aren't assigned 
a name, they disappear.

>>> x=1000
>>> y=x
>>> z=x
>>> y is z

x is the name of an object.  y and z also are names for that object.
1000 is not a name:

>>> x=1000
>>> y=1000
>>> z=1000
>>> x is y
>>> x is z
>>> y is z

a new object is created each time.


P.S. Note, at least in CPython, that same example won't work for small 
numbers because of an implementation detail that caches the common 'small 
number' objects for performance reasons.

>>> x=1
>>> y=1
>>> z=1
>>> x is y
>>> y is z

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