[Edu-sig] Generating prime numbers
kirby urner
kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 16:57:31 CEST 2009
Excellente! kind sir.
> I don't know about Python, but there are lazy evaluation languages
> with streams that can handle something like
> isprime=: {n.0 in [2:floor(sqrt(n))] | n}
> isprime each [2:_]/[2:_]
I'm wanting to say Haskell but that's just talking through my hat.
Once you get it down to a line, they'll complain it's not just one
symbol, which it sort of is in J, or at least converting to cyclic
notation is a primitive (my J __dict__ is a bit scrambled from lack of
much practice).
Under the hood though, you've got reams of chip flops, no matter how
crypto-poetic the mathematics. So I resist the trend to always
compress to the next level. Python feels less compressed than APL
too, but that's a feature not a bug.
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Edward Cherlin <echerlin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Your message text got stuck in an attachment, where I almost missed
> it. I wonder what your mail system thinks it is doing? Comment below.
Kirby interpolating, cutting and pasting from Python 3:
>>> from itertools import count
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> def prime_gen():
Generate all prime numbers
primes = []
for n in count(2):
if all(n%p for p in primes if p <= sqrt(n)):
yield n
>>> p = prime_gen()
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
>>> next(p)
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 12:48 PM, John Posner <jjposner at snet.net> wrote:
> Sent today to python-list ...
> Inspired by recent threads (and recalling my first message to Python
> edu-sig), I did some Internet searching on producing prime numbers using
> Python generators. Most algorithms I found don't go for the infinite,
> contenting themselves with "list all the primes below a given number".
> Here's a very Pythonic (IMHO) implementation that keeps going and going and
> going ...:
> from itertools import count
> from math import sqrt
> def prime_gen():
> """
> Generate all prime numbers
> """
> primes = []
> for n in count(2):
> if all(n%p for p in primes if p <= sqrt(n)):
> primes.append(n)
> yield n
> The use of all() is particularly nifty (see
> http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576640/). And so is the way in which the
> list comprehension easily incorporates the sqrt(n) optimization.
> Question: Is there a way to implement this algorithm using generator
> expressions only -- no "yield" statements allowed?
> I don't know about Python, but there are lazy evaluation languages
> with streams that can handle something like
> isprime=: {n.0 in [2:floor(sqrt(n))] | n}
> isprime each [2:_]/[2:_]
> where
> floor is round down
> | is remainder (mod)
> each applies a function to each member of the argument
> _ is positive infinity
> / (compress) returns elements of the right argument corresponding to
> True values in the left argument
> and we can get rid of the named function by simple substitution, thus
> {n.0 in [2:floor(sqrt(n))] | n} [2:_]
> 2 passes as prime because [2:1] is empty, so it generates no 0 remainder.
> Can you say that in Python?
> --
> Silent Thunder (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) is my name
> And Children are my nation.
> The Cosmos is my dwelling place, The Truth my destination.
> http://earthtreasury.net/ (Edward Mokurai Cherlin)
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