[Edu-sig] What version of Python to teach ....
kirby urner
kirby.urner at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 09:31:52 CEST 2009
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Edward Cherlin <echerlin at gmail.com> wrote:
<< SNIP >>
> See also the Groklaw archives on the SCO suit and other attempts to
> hold back Linux.
Good to see so much lore going by.
Teaching to code in the open (open source code) involves storytelling.
What are our values, whom do we study as role models? We don't try to
fade into some "ambient culture" as nameless and faces.
We have stars, sagas and epics -- a big part of my workshop this year,
Python for Teachers.
Part of what makes the XO so fascinating isn't the machine or software
(although both intriguing in their own right) but the story of the XO
itself, the whole idea of One Laptop Per Child and the values behind
Here with OLPC is some great futurism come true, yet how many cereal
companies put positive futurism on the backs of their cereal boxes?
How much of Saturday Morning cartoons (much of the budget controlled
by cereal companies) is about looking ahead, developing some relevant
fantasies about what's actually possible?
The failure of imagination about the near future traces to an
unwillingness to share about the recent past.
The SCO story is alluded to in my Pycon slides. I also talk about IBM
(actually the target of the SCO lawsuit) in connection with "keeping
tabs" in fascist Germany. **
> Anyway, this is an old, old story. Perhaps it would be as well to
> prepare the way with some examples.
<< SNIP >>
... many more good stories.
Thank you Ed Cherlin.
PS: stirring up more trouble on Math Forum:
(making fun of TIs)
** http://blip.tv/file/1998267
> Silent Thunder (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) is my name
> And Children are my nation.
> The Cosmos is my dwelling place, The Truth my destination.
> http://earthtreasury.org/worknet (Edward Mokurai Cherlin)
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