[Edu-sig] A PyToon

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 08:41:13 CET 2009

This is admittedly somewhat weird:


(a short cartoon, best to let it download to 100% of playback will be choppy).

Michel, not sure what fonts best for Unicode, still learning.  Deju
Vu? (a font).

At least with younger kids, I think it works to speak of callables
having "a mouth".

In python( elephant ) it looks like a python object is "eating" an
elephant object.

( ) looks like a pairing lips, thinking of emoticons i.e. "a mouth
turned sideways."

I'm thinking of skits around functions "eating" objects... (having
little skits is a
part of our Monty Python heritage).

Another metaphor is "the castle gates" i.e. arguments show up to be accepted
by a function or other callable.  Exceptions get raised.

Lots of skit possibilities around "duck typing" (quack quack).

Watching now:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_kZDvwofHY


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