[Edu-sig] project Euler

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Thu Feb 12 23:29:55 CET 2009

Another interesting site of this type, as you will see strongly Python 
biased, is



which is a google app from the google app gallery and - as such - it 
must itself have been written in Python.


michel paul schrieb:
> This is a pretty cool site:  Project Euler <http://projecteuler.net/>.
> It's a list of problems that can't be solved using mathematical 
> cleverness alone - they require programming.  After you solve a 
> problem, you then get access to the list of previous solutions.
> The first one - "Add all the natural numbers below one thousand that 
> are multiples of 3 or 5." - is just a Python one-liner. 
> The second - "Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the 
> Fibonacci sequence which do not exceed four million."
> It's fun looking at the previous solutions in all kinds of other 
> languages.  Really shows the elegance of Python.
> It reminds me somewhat of JavaBat <http://javabat.com>.  There was 
> some discussion earlier about doing something similar in Python?
> - Michel
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