[Edu-sig] Fwd: python publication
kirby urner
kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 04:49:56 CEST 2009
Missed sending reply here too.
My little crew is celebrating "bucky's birthday" today, with the usual
defiant fireworks, kinda "north korea" in that way. :)
(ritual polemics)
http://www.portlandpiratefestival.com/ (in September)
http://mybizmo.blogspot.com/2006/07/july-four.html (flag wavy)
Buckaneers in Portland include Trevor Blake. I mention him in today's
blog post (above). His connection to the Portland Python community is
through Esozone (a geek hangout -- esozone.com, also Backspace).
In terms of academic-flavored papers, it's OK to bypass the journals
as you'll still get peer reviewed in the blogosphere, plus are more
likely to find your real peers (scholarly journal publishers are
mostly way behind on topics like Python, hard to find any apropos).
I like the idea of sharing with Cherlin of course, as XO is cutting edge.
Here's a recent example of "academic flavored" (circulating among
Jordanians among others (just because of who I've been meeting with
I've been tracking the Europython threads some, but if there's an
education-relevant thread someone *on the scene* wants to start, I'm
all eyes and ears.
PS: I thought this one from Slate was remarkably mean-spirited and ungeeky.
Like *of course* we want/need a multiplicity of operating systems, the
more the merrier, so go Google!
This nasty unfriendly attitude towards diversity seems more prevalent
in less sophisticated corporate cultures, anti-cosmopolitan,
illiberal. Just my take. Maybe he's just a loose cannon.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/7/12
Subject: Re: [Edu-sig] python publication
To: roberto <roberto03 at gmail.com>
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:08 AM, roberto<roberto03 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hello,
> i have managed an introductory math and programming course, mainly
> based on python for the programming side;
> participants came strictly from high schools;
> i'd like to share the results with the community and collect them as
> draft for an eventual publication;
Sure, right here. :)
> may you give me any hint about a suitable place to submit ?
I did my write-ups in my own blogs, of my math and programming courses
(also high school aged students).
It's not either/or, in that you can do something self published, also
go through some on-line journal if that's your preference.
The Python community itself has a number of venues for sharing
(including edu-sig).
I recommend steering clear of off-line journals with no web presence.
> thank you
> --
> roberto
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